8 : S

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I have fought many battles in life but I guess this is the hardest.

I want to shelter her in my arms. Wipe her tears. Gather her weaknesses and pile it on mine. The tears she hides from me, her silent cries. Gusto kong ipakita niya sa akin ang totoong nararamdaman niya. She acts strong but deep inside, I know that she's hurting.

I don't want her tired and hurting. I want to take the pain away, put it on my shoulder. Ako nalang ang masaktan para sa aming dalawa.

She stayed speechless at what I just blurted out.

" Tumigil ka. Umuwi ka na" So heartless. Nasasaktan ako tuwing ginagawa niya iyon. Now where is my Martee?

" I am sorry if I offended you." I tried to make my voice as calm as possible. Even though truth is, I am battling my feelings for her. For almost 30 days, ngayon lang ako nakapagpahinga ng maayos. It calms me when I am near her. Her scent relaxes my system.

Sampung minutong makasama siya, pagkakasayahin ko muna.

" Umalis ka na, Santi. Don't let me push you. You cannot breathe the same air your enemy breathes." She said those words like daggers directed towards me.

" I never considered you an enemy, Martee" I placed emphasized on that.

" I'm running late for an appointment. Nasasayang ang oras ko sa 'yo" She looked away.

" Ako na magmamaneho. Saan ba ang punta mo?" I asked her. I was making an excuse to be with her longer.

" I can drive myself."

" Well, I am free today, ma'am. I'll serve you for free. You could rest for awhile and let me drive you." I made my voice as convincing as possible.

I heard her sigh.

" Do not do these things. Don't be kind now and still pursue with the lawsuit. Naglolokohan lang tayo dito" She had spoken with conviction.

" I am angry. Yes, I crave for vengeance. I will put the law on my hands and I will make sure your parents will be locked up in jail. But my wrath has never arrowed you." She looked away at what I said.

" Do it then. Don't worry, I can also manage your wrath." She said. I can feel her anger.

I tried to take her hand but she positioned it away from my reach.

" Forgive me" I whispered.


Wala akong karapatang magalit sa kaniya. Wala akong karapatang magdibdib ng sakit ng loob dahil kami ang may atraso sa pamilya niya.

" We cannot be like this, Santi. Gaano ba kahirap gawin ang hinihingi ko." I muttered.

" Forgive me" He muttered once more .

" Bakit ka humihingi ng tawad" Saad ko. Kami ang may atraso sa kaniya kaya kami ang dapat humingi ng tawad. I looked down as I heard his answer.

" Forgive me, I cannot stay away from you. Hingin mo na lahat. But not that one" It was almost a whisper. Halos hindi ko na marinig ang sinabi niya.

We both stayed silent. I refuse to give meaning to what he just said.

My phone rang. It was my lawyer.

Nakita ko kung paano umigting ang panga ni Santi ng pareho naming mabasa ang pangalan ng abogado ko sa screen ng phone ko.

I answered it immediately.

Santi has been seriously quiet and listening while I was talking with my lawyer. Bawal. He shouldn't be listening. Hindi nagtagal ang paguusap namin dahil hindi gaya ng ibang pagkakataon ay wala akong tinanong. I don't want to leak anything on him.

After the call, I motioned him to leave. Pero imbes na umalis, maslumapit ito sa akin. With the little space that I have pumaibabaw ito sakin.

My heart went crazy at his sudden movement but I remained calm and composed.

I stared at his pitch eyes and that gave me the answer that I needed.

The answer I refused to even give meaning and justification on it.


Shooting Star (Completed) [R-18]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon