A Man Has Free Choice To Begin Love But Not To End It (Part 1)

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Soooo, it's taking me forever to update and so I'm going to try to divide episodes in 2 parts. You know, make it easier for both of us. Oh, and it would be okay to include future smey yaoi scenes from the anime right? Right. :D Anyways, enjoy!



Takano POV

I woke up first. Ritsu was sleeping soundly next to me; the covers teasingly lying up to his chest, revealing love bites yours truly had left there from last night. I raised the sheets up to his chin so he couldn't catch a cold, and was getting ready to get up when he stirred.

"Mh~" He shifted so his head was practically on my lap. I paused, when I heard him mumbling. "S-n-i." I strained to hear what he was saying until he said it loud and clear.

"Senpai~" He mumbled adorably. That was it. I threw myself on him, not caring that he was still asleep, and started lowering the sheets I had covered him with a few seconds ago.

Of course, this woke him up.

"Takano-san! What are you doing so early in the morning?" He yelled, squirming underneath me.

"Hm? It's your fault," I said, attacking his neck, and pinning him down. "You're the one who saying such cute things in your sleep." This, of course, gave me the reaction I wanted.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, red-faced and flustered.

"You were all 'Senpai~ Senpai~'" I imitated him. "All cute, like you did in high school."

"Get out!" He exclaimed, obviously embarrassed. He pushed me out of the room, leaving me there with nothing but sheets to cover myself.

"Hey," I knocked on the door, "I need my clothes!" The door opened and they were thrown at my face, before slamming shut again. "And don't forget to take it easy on your body!" A thud sounded from the other side of the door, indicating he had thrown something at it. So cute, I thought, smiling.

I turned around only to find everyone already out of bed and eating breakfast that Hatori had made. I put on my clothes as I approached the table.

"Hey," I said nonchalantly, fully aware that they had seen the whole scene.

"Hi!" Yukina and Tori said, clearly not fazed.

"Uh, hi," Chiaki said, trying to keep a straight face, Yuu at his side.

"Masamune," Yokozawa said, clearly annoyed. "Do you have to be so noisy in the morning?"

"Sorry, my drama queen didn't find his wake up call as appealing as much as I did." I took a seat. "Pass me some coffee."

Hatori pressed a cup into my hand. "We're just waiting for you guys to wake up so we could start."

"Oh, yeah," Yukina said, bouncing in his seat. "It's episode two today!"

"Ugh," Ritsu said, appearing from our room, rubbing his back and hips. "Good morning, everyone." Besides everything that had happened that morning, he took a seat next to me, but refused to look at me. A cup of coffee was put in front of him.

"Good morning." Everyone greeted.

I couldn't help myself. "What's wrong? Tough night?" He turned towards me in one sharp movement, glaring at me.

"Shut up! Who's fault do you think it is?" He winced at the angle he was in and returned to sitting forward and straight. "Anyways, lets get started already."

After helping to clean up, everyone took their prior seats from the day before, except that he was a few inches away from me that last time. On the outside I was grinning, but it affected me to see him turn away from me.

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