Chapter Two

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The little schoolteacher was proving me wrong by how long she was lasting. It's been two weeks since I hired her and according to Melissa, she's a fast learner and an even harder worker.

I didn't think she had it in her to step out of her nun clothing and into something sexier, but every day she shows up and takes my goddamn fucking breath away.

Rosie Jenson was a temptation, a wet dream come alive, and the mere attitude this little woman had was erotic. She teased just enough to have the men and even some women drooling and tipping her, but not enough to let them know they ever had a chance.

She was a sight for sore eyes and my eyes hadn't left her since she clocked in. I watched her laugh, tease, giggle, and smile, as she spoke with the customers and even wink or blow them kisses as she handed them their orders.

But Goddamn, she wasn't a naïve little deer, was she? She was a fucking lioness, a predator, and I craved to see just how hungry and animalistic she was when cornered.

Light and warm brown hair that reached right above her ass, brown doe eyes that resembled honey and the sun, thick lashes, a button nose that wrinkled when she was angry, and subtle red lips that needed a good bite and kiss. Rosie was undeniably sexy and beautiful.

Our interview wasn't the first time we met, but it was our first encounter alone without the rowdy construction crew or her stupid little students screaming. She tried me that day as well, screaming and telling me that I deserved to burn in hell for what I did, but I shrugged her off.

It was a small town, and I knew I'd run into her later rather than sooner and I did.

It was a welcome fucking gift and a blessing when she stepped foot into my office in her boxy grandma shoes and unrevealing clothing. I thought she was a fucking nun or something, but she wasn't. The girl in that mini skirt with red heels that sauntered around the busy restaurant was a goddamn fucking bombshell.

I was entrapped by her profound beauty, those lips, and the way she had the urge to choke me every time she saw me. What was it about a girl that wanted to hurt you, that hated you? I didn't know, but seeing her mad at me turned me on.

I sipped on my Whiskey and saw her walk up to a group of men at a table not so far from me. She leaned forward, her tits almost collapsing out of her top as she offered them the menu.

One of them said something to her and she laughed, her head falling back, exposing that milky, slender neck that begged for bites and marks, as she playfully shoved him.

"C'mon, Mikey, I told you to show me the thing I love most in the world, not the tiniest thing in the world." She cracked and Mikey who had his hands on his belt laughed.

I saw his hand come up to the middle of her back and my hands tightened around the glass cup. It almost broke when he gave her ass a gentle smack.

"You know touching is extra." She winked but didn't seem uncomfortable, or maybe she was good at hiding it.

The man known as Mikey pulled out his wallet and I saw him stack a few hundred-dollar bills on top of each other. Her eyes shined as she leaned down to kiss his cheek.

"Now, that's what I love most in the world." She gathered it up, folded the bills, and placed them in her back pocket. "Will be right back with your orders."

As she stood back up and turned, our eyes met and she gave me an angry look, eyes narrowing, jaw tense, and my cock twitched in my pants. She let out a visible puff of air and then walked away. I couldn't have her. She wasn't mine to have. Too much baggage.

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