Chapter Six

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Something was wrong with me. I was sure of it. My dick was broken or something. Not only would it not get hard for any other woman, but it wouldn't get hard until I thought of one woman. Her. Stupid Rosie.

I wasn't the type of man to be hungover a woman, nor was I the type to be so infatuated with one single woman. Clubs weren't working, alcohol wasn't working either, and at this point, I was losing my mind because they all looked like her.

Every woman had the same hair, and those same haunting eyes, and yet they weren't her. They could never be her. They could never reach her. Porn was proving to be pointless and empty, and I felt like a teen who just learned what masturbation and my dick was not having it.

I was going to get carpal tunnel from how much I tried to work it. It was as stubborn as me, only wanting her, and you had to appreciate its loyalty.

It was charming in a way, but I wasn't a man loyal to women. I was loyal to my family, to my family's business, and to my brothers and parents. That was my list of priorities. Rosie didn't constitute importance that she was on my list.

Yet I thought about her more than I'd ever thought about anyone in my entire life. She was laid back, chilling, and hanging out in my conscious rent fucking free, and the more I told myself I didn't care, the angrier my conscious got as it produced more images and scenarios of her.

I thought about how her hips swayed when she walked from table to table, that charming smile she produced for her regulars, or how she threw her head back to laugh and how the lights would shine behind her. It was some voodoo shit. It had to be.

She did something to make me like this. Maybe it was a curse. I don't know. The logic of how she arbitrated my thoughts and brain 24/7 didn't make any sense. We kissed. Twice. That was it. But it felt like so much tension, so much build-up and angst, and maybe it was because we were attracted to each other.

That was normal. I've been attracted to women before, but I've never been attracted to only one woman before. The only way to stop thinking about something or someone is to busy yourself and not let yourself have time to think. My current situation was just that.

I was busying myself with my work, in documents, lawyers, meetings, and clients, and I made sure it was all back-to-back, so I never got a chance to breathe, to think. I couldn't relax for a moment, because it would take Rosie a mere second to enter my subconscious.

I couldn't let her have this power, so here I was pulling yet another all-nighter as I looked through the paperwork.

When I decided my entire office was suffocating me because the numbers on the papers seemed like they were written in a different language. Giving up and knowing my brain was fried, I decided maybe a run around the town would do me good.

After changing my clothes and grabbing my sneakers, I was jogging outside and stretching my legs out as I looked up at the sky. It was early. Maybe four in the morning. I didn't know. I didn't have my phone, nor did I look at the time, but it was how the sun hadn't risen yet and how mysterious and dark the clouds looked.

I started off slow, a walk that turned into a jog, and then I was picking up the pace as I ran up the trail that led to the hill that oversaw the town. I needed a break, a breather, and I used this run as an opportunity to get some fresh air and perspective.

It was getting colder, the early morning breeze hitting me, and I enjoyed the chill as I pushed myself up the hill forcing my legs to move. Twenty minutes later I was finally up the hill.

I was breathing heavily and panting and leaned on the tree as I looked over at the view. I was sweating, annoyed, and feeling angry but once I saw that view I forgot why I was feeling every one of those emotions.

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