Chapter Five

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"I don't understand." I stammered. "What do you mean all of his bills have been paid off?" I asked Janice.

"All present and future bills have been taken care of." She said.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"Rosie, this is a good thing." She assured me, but I shook my head.

"Who paid? Give me a name." I demanded, growing angrier. "I don't need anyone's charity, so give me a name."

She sighed and turned to her computer. She scanned through the screen and typed away, the clicking sounds of the keyboard irritating me more than they should. I saw her double-click and then turn the screen for me to see the name.

"That fucking prick," I swore.

I stormed out of the hospital and don't even know how I made it to the bus stop. I got off at the stop that led me to the restaurant. It wasn't my shift, but I was going to throttle him for thinking he could pay for me.

As soon as the bus came to a stop, I ran out and toward the restaurant. I went through the back entrance, up the stairs, and down the hall. I banged on his door and then barged right in. He was on a phone call, his younger brother, Aries sitting across from him playing on his phone.

"Did you pay for my father's hospital bills?" I shouted.

Aries gave Alex a cautious look at my question.

I saw him hang up and put his phone down. "Yes," He answered. "Aries, leave."

"No, he can stay right there. You're going to need a witness for what I'm about to do to you." I shouted. "Unpay them. Now. I don't want your money." I spat. "I don't need anyone's fucking charity."

He stood up and I threw my purse at him, and he ducked, my purse hit the wall and landed by Aries's feet.

"Take your money back."

"I thought touching was extra and since I kissed you..." He trailed off and my eyes went wide as saucers.

I let out a shout of frustration and looked around at what I could throw at him. I took my sneaker off and threw it at him. He ducked and it fell to the ground.

"You asshole. You fucking asshole. I'm not a hooker."

"Alex, what the fuck?" Aries spoke, standing up.

"Mind your business," Alex snapped, and my hands were shaking. "Is this the thanks I get for being nice?"

"You didn't do it to be nice. You're not nice. It's not in your vocabulary." I scoffed. "You did it to prove a point, to let me know you could, and I'm here to tell you I don't want it. People like you with too much money are the fucking worst."

"Why because we're not poor like you?" He asked.

I gaped up at him. "Being poor isn't a crime," I said.

"Taking care of everyone else but yourself is!" He screamed. "You're not superwoman!" He continued shouting at me. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You're so careless with yourself, yet you think you can carry the world on your shoulders? You fucking can't. You're human."

I didn't know what to say. My mouth opened then shut and I took a step back. "Don't talk to me like you know me." I finally said, but my voice was weaker than my statement.

"I'm not taking the money back. Do whatever you want, say whatever you want, scream as loud as you want, it's staying."

"I hate you," It came out broken and I hated myself for how weak I sounded.

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