Chapter Sixteen

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I leaned in closer and held his face as I went to his ear.

"Did you bring me with you just so I could get drunk?"

He chuckled. "No, but you're cute when you're drunk so it's a plus."

We were at the biker's bar, and it was absolutely packed with bikers in leather jackets that were playing poker and getting drunk.

Some were playing pool while others were singing loudly to the music playing and it was my first time experiencing something like this.

These men were tatted from head to toe, burly, thick bears and scars, and were all carrying some heavy heat, but there was something about them that made me feel safe.

I don't know if it was because Alex marked me and made it known who I was to them that they offered me respect, or if they weren't violent unless necessary. I was at a table in the middle of the rowdy bar with Aries, Camo, Snakes, Alex, and a new biker I met at dinner.

His name was Mac. Mac was an ex-cop who had a gun inked on his neck and it was almost 3D in the aspect where it seemed like he was offing himself. He had long inky hair that was wrapped up in a bun, and coffee-colored eyes that stayed observing all the time.

Even though he was drinking and laughing with us Alex told me about the inner cop inside him never turned off. His brain was always alert and working.

"I'm going to get another drink."

I got up and Alex's hand removed from around my shoulder as I got up and headed through the crowd until I reached the roundabout. I squeezed myself through and my eyes skirted around the bar until I saw Aden.

I went over to where he was and when I got closer I could see the cute bartender was chatting with him. She was leaning over the counter, her hands outstretched in front of her as she talked to him.

Aden just sat there on the other side with a platonic look on his face as she laughed and smiled and not even seeming phased by his quietness she kept on talking. Aden was the only one wearing his suit and the only one not drinking.

He was just sitting there staring at her with the most uninterested look on his face. The pretty girl didn't relent for a single second as she continued on rambling on and on.

Aden didn't speak. He grunted mostly or offered you one-word responses. Alex told me he's always been like that and that they were used to it.

As uninterested as he looked, he didn't seem annoyed because if he was, surely he would've just walked away. He chose to sit there and let her talk his ear off. Maybe it was because of beautiful she was.

She had tight corkscrew light and dark brown hair styled in a ponytail with a hairclip holding it all together, milk chocolate brown eyes that shined when she spoke, and freckles scattering over her face like constellations.

She was in a tight white tank top and even tighter jeans. I saw her lean back as she poured Aden a drink who looked down at it dubiously, causing her to laugh loudly.

"It's a drink, Aden. Just taste it. I promise it's sweet since I made it." She spoke, extending her arm and I stole a peek at the tattoo she had on her arm.

It was black and I squinted my eyes as I caught the sketch of it before she moved her arm back. I wouldn't have known it was Medusa if I didn't see the snakes coming out of the head.

The ink was detailed, sketched perfectly, and before I could admire it more, her hand reeled back. He didn't speak. He reached for it and took a sip but didn't give her a comment.

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