Chapter Seventeen

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After the crazy weekend away with Alex and his family, I was back to the routine I had set for myself. I took the next few days tidying up the house, doing laundry, and spring cleaning every room that I always put off.

It took me a while but with some loud music blasting from my stereo, it went by faster and made it more fun. After that was off my list, I had to go shopping. I needed groceries, some lightbulbs for the bathroom, and some new razors.

I needed to also make my father some oxtail soup since I read the meat broth was amazing for bones and strength. I had missed him tremendously the entire weekend and I couldn't wait to finally see him tomorrow.

I was also excited about tomorrow since we were going to go bowling. It was our first date together despite us being together unofficially.

The groceries took longer to get since the bus was delayed and I was standing outside by the stop for half an hour extra. After finally getting on there, I clutched my bag and recyclable bags to my chest as the bus took off.

I grabbed a cart, placed my headphones on, and listened to some music as I shopped and crossed the groceries off my list. It didn't take me long to find everything I need, and I even bought a cup of coffee while I waited for the bus to come back.

My bags were packed with groceries and essentials, and they were heavy, but I was used to the transit and the weight. It was like a workout since I didn't go to the gym. When I got home, I left the groceries on the table as I dressed into something more comfortable than my jeans.

Matching cotton shorts and a sleeved tee shirt, a glass of wine, and Criminal Minds playing on my laptop later, I got started as I put away the groceries. I snacked on some salt and vinegar chips as I prepped the vegetables and meat for the soup.

My phone rang and I reached over to pause my laptop so I could pick it up. I was grinning when I picked it up.


"Hey, sweetheart. What're you up to?"

"Just making some soup for dad tomorrow. You?"

"I'm at work." He grumbled. "I miss you," He admitted.

My heart. "I miss you, too."

"I want to see you tonight."

"I'm seeing you tomorrow." I reminded him.

"I'll bring ice-cream." He bribed and I laughed.

"I bought some already. I went grocery shopping earlier."

"I told you to call me when you needed stuff. I can drive you, sweetheart. You don't have to take the bus anymore."

I smiled. "It's fine. I like the bus. I'm used to it."

"You're too stubborn for your own good."

"Me? I'm stubborn?" I laughed. "Have you met you?"

He chuckled and I felt that rumbling beautiful sound everywhere. "I worry about you. You can't blame me for that."

"I don't. I like that you worry about me. It's nice.... really nice actually having someone care about me or check up on me." I confessed.

"Rosie," He murmured his voice so soft it felt like a lullaby. "I do care about you. You know that right? I know I don't say it in the right way, or my actions come off psychotic, but know you mean...damn it, you mean everything to me."

"I know, Alex. You mean everything to me, too."

I might actually be in love with you.

"You need me to stop by, sweetheart?"

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