Chapter Twenty-One

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Crying, she dropped my hands and jumped into my arms, and I placed my hand on her back as I hugged her. We stayed like that for a while, just holding onto each other for what felt like forever.

Her tears seized and she pulled away to look at me. I moved her hair out of the way and held the back of her neck, bringing her closer to me.

"I need you," I whispered. "Sweetheart, I need you right now. Ok?"

"Yes. I need you more. Please,"

It's been too long since I've had her, since I've tasted her, and I couldn't hold back as I kissed her hard on the mouth. My fingers fisted in her hair as I pulled and guided and dominated the kiss.

Our tongues slipped and slid against each other, while her hands ran down my chest as she reached the hem of my hoodie. I felt her hands caress my chest, her hand going up and down, and to my back as she touched me.

"God, your hands." I groaned. "Keep touching me,"

I left her hair, and my hands went down to her legs as I helped her straddle me better. I snuck my fingers up her thighs and into her pajama shorts. I groaned loudly, my lips leaving hers once again as I looked down. I felt her bare cunt against my cold fingers, and she shuddered on top of me.

"No panties?" I let my fingers dance over her slit and between her slick folds. "Sweetheart, you're fucking soaked."

"Alex, no teasing. I can't. I miss you too much."

"I know, sweetheart. I know. I'm here. I got you." I reassured her as two fingers pushed inside of her.

I felt her nails digging into my skin and her lips brush against mine before she moved her attention to my neck. I felt her kiss openly, wetly, suck and bite down harshly, and then moan as she'd lick over every place she'd sunk her teeth into.

I kept the steady and slow pace of my fingers extracting the sexiest sounds of pleasure and I savored every single one. I was hard as a goddamn fucking rock and the longer we touched and played with each other, the harder I got.

Panting, and grunting, I moved my fingers away and reached for my sweats. I tugged them down low enough to pull my cock out. Her hand was quick to wrap around me and then our eyes met.

So full of need, of pure and utter desperation for this connection that we felt when we were intimate.

"I love you," I groaned. "Fuck, Rosie, just put me in, sweetheart. Let me feel you."

Lifting her hips and keeping her eyes on me, she placed me at her entrance and moved her hand away as she began to sink down slowly...oh so fucking slowly, until I was deep inside her. She shouted and I groaned at the snug feel of her wet and tight cunt.

"Fuck, Alex, fuck I missed this, missed you."

"I know, sweetheart. I missed you more. You feel so fucking good." I growled, my hands going to her asscheeks. I squeezed and kneaded them in my hands as she rode me to oblivion. "Fuck me. Fuck me, Rosie."

"Alex," She moaned. "I feel so full of you."

"Sweetheart, move your hips faster. Good girl. Good fucking girl." I praised her as she began bouncing on my cock.

Up and down. My hands reached up the hoodie and shirt and I squeezed and slapped her breasts. I've never felt such pleasure, such intense intimacy with a woman before. Just her. Just this woman right here. Just Rosie.

"I can't fucking hold back. I'm gonna bust."

"I feel you throbbing inside me." She gasped. "I feel you, Alex. Do you feel me?"

"Yes, sweetheart. I feel you, fuck, I feel you. I see you. I got you."

I cupped the back of her head and kissed her hard on the mouth. She moaned and whimpered into the kiss, her hips moving erratically over mine, and that's when I took over.

Stilling her movements and clasping her hips, I fucked her, bucked my hips upward until she was screaming and crying out in pleasure and then I felt her clamp down on me tightly and then just like that. We were both cumming.

Our orgasms triggered each other or maybe it was the dirty and intense sounds we were making, or maybe it was the love and the admission we had given each other.

I didn't know. Didn't care. All I knew was that I could feel her wetness coating my dick and I could feel our cum mixing in together and dripping out of her. I looked down for a second before holding her cheeks and kissing all over her face before capturing her lips.

"Marry me," I demanded.

"It's supposed to be a question." She was still panting, the both of us still on a euphoric high.

"Marry me. Say yes."

"Yes," she said. "I'll marry you." I kissed her again.

"Rosie Grayson," I whispered. "My beautiful wife."

Her eyes shined at the words I spoke. "Alex Grayson." She chuckled. "The most stubborn husband."

"And don't you forget it, sweetheart."

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