Chapter Fourteen

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"Whooooo!" I shouted once we were on the highway.

The other three on their bikes behind us hollered back and when Alex revved his engine, letting me know he was gonna speed up, I clung tighter to him.

"Hold on, sweetheart!" I heard Alex shout.

I could almost see the arrogant smirk on his face as he sped through the traffic, cutting everyone off, and weaving through without stopping for a second.

The breeze nipped and kissed my face and nose and the coat had flown over my body and my legs were freezing but in the best way possible.

The wind ran through my hair, and I could feel that familiar feeling of being so free and wild and not in control of anything as Alex drove us to the diner.

"The Fucking Sinners are out here!" I heard Camo scream.

"Fuck it up!" Snakes screamed behind us.

Aries let out a loud shout and they revved their engines as they sped and joined a lane so that we were all alongside each other.

"How's it feel, Rosie?" Aries shouted at me.

"Freeing!" I screamed back.

I laughed loudly and clung so tight to Alex; I wonder if it bothered him. At the red light, he spun around and kissed me hard, and I moaned at how good it felt to kiss this man like this. I moaned when he bit my bottom lip and pulled away.

"Gonna fuck this mouth so hard when we're home." He murmured as he ran his thumb across my bottom lip.

He turned around and the red light turned green, and we went back to the exhilarating and liberating thrill of being on this bike with him. Finally, we reached the diner, and I removed my hands as he parked his bike and cut the engine.

I got off first and watched him run his fingers through his disheveled curly locks. He got up and pulled me to his side, his hand going over my shoulder and reaching for my hand as the five of us walked inside the diner.

"Hey, Ms. Jenson!" The waiter that always worked the night shift walked over when he saw me.

He was a teenager, one that used to attend the school I once taught at. He had a smile riddled with braces, a mop of messy brown hair, and eyes hidden behind his thick reading glasses.

"Hey, Steve. I told you to call me Rosie since I'm not a teacher anymore."

"Ms. Jenson is fine." Alex intervened.

He blushed and ducked his head as he grabbed the menus and led us to a table. It wasn't packed with families but there were some couples here and there drinking coffee and sharing a slice of cobbler.

Alex forced me to sit all the way inside the booth so that he could sit between Aries and me. Camo and Snakes took the other side of the booth, filling it up with their build and size.

"What do you want, sweetheart?" He asked, his hand still possessively over my waist.

He gave me a squeeze when I glared at him and acted like he couldn't see it.  I only wanted one cheeseburger, fries, and chocolate milkshake, but the others proved to be hungrier than me.

They ordered two meals, two sides, a milkshake, and soft drinks. Steve took the order politely and then almost ran away with how terrifying they all looked at him.

"Be nice to Steve," I said. "All of you. He's a nice kid."

"You coming to the wedding?" Camo asked in between bites of his pancakes and french fries.

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