Chapter Nine

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"I thought you hated him," Janice whispered loudly.

"I do hate him. Trust me. I hate him very much." I defended.

"Was it good?"

I looked around to make sure no one was listening. "It was amazing. I mean the bike ride was...the most fun I've had in a long time and then one thing led to another, but I don't regret it."

Janice let out a lovey sigh and leaned back in her chair. She reached for the coffee I bought her and shook it before taking a sip.

"What happened after?"

I reached for my croissant and ripped off a piece.

"He took me home."

"That's it."

"What else was he supposed to do?"

"I don't know. Did he kiss you goodnight?"

"No, he didn't. He did something stranger. He patted the top of my head. Like this..." I reached over the petted the top of her head and let my hand caress her hair before pulling my hand back.

"He did that?"

"I know. Weird right?"

"I guess it's kind of sweet, but usually guys just kiss you goodnight."

"Alex Grayson is not like any man I've ever met." I pulled down my scarf that I was using to hide my neck which was riddled with bites. "Look what he did to my neck?"

Her eyes went wide as she got up to get a better look. "Jesus. What is he? An animal?"

"I've been using cooling gel on my neck, but he left it all over. You should see my chest and my hips and inner thighs."

"You'd think he was marking his territory. All that's left is for him to pee on you."

I smacked her arm. "Ew, don't say that. He's not marking anything. It was a one-time thing. Like a tumble to get it out of our systems."

"And did you?" She asked.

"Did I what?"

"Get him out of your system."

After checking up on my father who seemed much better than last time, I left the hospital and decided to go on a walk instead of taking the bus. I needed some time to gather my thoughts and figure out what I was doing with my life.

Dad was getting better, and Janice seemed reassuring as she told me that he was getting stronger. This is what I should be thinking about. My father, myself, and our future.

I was happy to see him, to sit and chat with him, and to hear him laugh despite him having a mild cough attack during our conversation, he looked healthier. I told him I'd stop by in the afternoon with some lunch since I was off today.

The walk proved a horrible distraction as I pushed myself not to think about Alex and what happened a few nights ago. I told myself I wouldn't think about him, or even bring him up, but I end up buying coffee and running straight to Janice and spilling the tea immediately.

I couldn't talk to my friends back at school, because I was that innocent schoolteacher in their eyes, and I couldn't tell them I let a guy fuck me in the ground. I clung to the coat I was wearing at the sudden breeze that hit me and remembered how it felt being on that bike with him.

How tightly I held onto him. How hot it was to hold onto him like that as he sped through the streets. I remembered the way he screamed at the other bikers passing by him and the feel of complete freedom that burst through my veins as I let go so I could feel the wind pass through my fingers.

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