Chapter Fifteen

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The first thing I noticed was that her hair was a bit shorter, maybe a few inches, and she had it straightened like a ruler, and it swayed elegantly down her back. The second thing I noticed was how goddamn breathtaking she looked in the dress she was wearing.

It was a one-shoulder floor-length teal velvet gown that accentuated every curve and inch of the beauty wearing it. She paired it with strappy black heels and a tiny little black purse. Her makeup was lighter than how she wore it to the restaurant, lighter more neutral colors, and I loved how they made those sunlike eyes pop.

Red lips were my trigger and it made me almost want to forget the wedding and stay in bed all night and day with her. She was sitting preciously in the passenger seat her hands in her lap as she looked out the window.


She blinked her eyes away from the sky and turned to me. "Yeah?"

"You seem nervous, sweetheart?" I reached for her hand and interlocked our fingers.

"It's just that I didn't think about it. I knew I would be meeting your friends, but I forgot I'd be meeting your family as well. Like your family, family. Like your mom and dad, you know? It's not that I'm bad at meeting parents.

I was a teacher. It's just I've never met any parents when I was in a relationship. Wait. That's a lie. I met Daniel's parents, but they weren't scary to meet. At least I don't remember it being scary."

"Rosie, sweetheart, breathe. Just breathe. Relax. My parents aren't staying for the whole weekend. Just the wedding and then they're heading back. It won't be as scary as you're making it out to be. They'll love you and if any of my friends give you shit, give it right back."

She chuckled and squeezed my hand. "That's easy. Okay."

"Did I already tell you how beautiful you look?"

"You did, but I'd love to hear it again." She teased.

I brought our hands up and kissed her fingers. "You look fucking beautiful, sweetheart."

"It feels weird to be in the city for two days." She spoke with a sigh. "My father seemed too excited when I told him I was taking a weekend away. I know he means well and that he might feel guilty for how our lives turned out sometimes, but I don't blame him.

He's my father. He raised me and took care of me when I was sick, what kind of person would I be if I left him when he got sick?"

"Sweetheart," At the red light, I ushered her closer and she looped her hand through mine as she snuggled closer to my side. "Baby don't be upset." She kissed my shoulder and held on tighter.

"I'm not. I'm not, I promise."

I kissed the top of her head, and she stayed like that, close to me, despite how uncomfortable it was the rest of the drive there. Darla and Ricky have been together for eight years, high-school sweethearts, and they had six-year-old twin boys together before Ricky finally popped the question.

They had the garden outside in a gorgeous set-up with flowers, a spring breeze, with white chairs that had Darla's favorite flowers, pink roses, tied on the back.

The reception was being held back at the main house for the bikers. I bought it when money started rolling in and it was there for anyone who needed it.

Sometimes it was packed, while other times only a few of the bikers used it. It was the main house for The Sinners, and it'd always be there for anyone in need.

My parents were mingling around with the other bikers who were all forced to wear suits, Darla's orders, while champagne was being passed around. It was loud, everyone laughing and talking, and the large group of men surrounding the groom was boisterous.

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