Chapter Eleven

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"I need to see you laid out in front of me naked." He spoke. "I need to see you. All of you. I need to kiss, lick, and taste every inch of you. I'm not fucking you half-assed like last time. I need to see the beautiful woman that's got me so fucked up when she says my name."

I got off his lap and stood up to take off my clothes. My shirt, bra, pants, socks, and underwear met the floor, and I felt his eyes on every inch of my skin burning me. He stood up as well, his hands on his side as he took a better and closer look.

"Fuck." He swore, his lips parting as his eyes continued to ravish me. "You're fucking perfection, sweetheart." He ran his thumb over his lips. "Where's your room?" He asked.

Before I could answer it he was scooping me up in his arms and running in the direction I pointed in. I laughed at his eagerness and once we were in my room he set me down on the bed.

I saw him take off his hoodie, his undershirt, his pants, and socks leaving himself naked and it was then that I realized I never saw this man fully naked. My eyes went wide as I sat up to stare at him.

He had tattoos. What the hell? Since when? They were mostly on his upper arms and chest, and some were trailing on from his back. I couldn't make up some of them and it felt like a blob of numbers, pictures, and random ink yet it made sense.

The largest tattoo he had was the one on his chest. It was that same skull the other bikers were with the same logo.

"The Sinners MC." I read aloud. I saw the word Prez in cursive ink on his bicep and that's when it clicked. "You're the president of the club?"

He nodded but didn't say anything else. My eyes fell lower to his fit and hard body and down to where his cock was perfectly hard, ready, and saluting me.

"I never knew you had so many tattoos," I murmured, my eyes still greedily taking him in.

He was handsome. Very handsome and while I stared at his arms and chest, he was climbing on top of me.

"It's 'cause you've never seen me naked, sweetheart." He said with a smirk.

I ran my fingers over his chest and back as if wanting to memorize every tattoo he had and its placement.

"I like them," I admitted. "They' on your body."

He kissed me in response. Feeling his body on mine, touching every bit of mine, while he kissed me had me needier. My hands held him by his shoulders as I kissed him back zealously. He kissed me openly, his sounds of pleasure a mixture of soft and heavy pants.

I felt his hand come up my body and squeeze my breast prompting a moan to stumble its way into the kiss which he swallowed up. He kneaded the round flesh before his fingers snuck their way to my hard nipple.

He twisted and pulled, and I whimpered, my hips bucking against his, but he didn't stop. He continued kissing me, the kiss getting hotter, the room feeling tinier as our tongues slid and slithered against each other while his hand now traveled to my other breast.

I thought the pleasure couldn't get any better, but then he pulled away from my lips and traveled to where his hands were toying. His mouth caught a nipple in his mouth and a shout-turned moan tore out of me as I cupped the back of his head.

"I really like that," I was panting as I told him.

His eyes stayed on mine as he moved his mouth to my other breast. What was it with this man and intense eye contact? It always made whatever we did so much hotter.

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