Chapter Eight

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It's not like I expected her to call in sick, but I didn't expect her to look so.... unbothered. She was laughing, talking, serving, and working effortlessly without a complaint. Business went on like usual as if nothing happened, and no one spoke or even whispered about what happened last night.

I wasn't going to kill him. I wasn't going to pull my gun out and use it because I hated guns, I'd rather use my hands, but the fucker had to go and threaten her. He really had to push my buttons.

I was watching him from the moment he walked in, his free hands as they groped and fondled her, and I saw her politely decline more than once. Then he had to go and touch her ass as if he could as if it was his to touch.

I remember the surge of pride that rushed in when she slammed his head on the table. So fucking fiesty.
God, I should have fucked her right then and there and given her a lesson on who she belonged to.

I couldn't. As much as I craved it, as much as I beat my dick to it, I couldn't have her. One taste of how she'd feel would be all I need to ruin Rosie's life and hurt her. She deserved someone better. Someone who wasn't me.

Three cups of Whiskey and too many cigarettes later, my frustration had risen to a level of pure agitation. Nothing seemed right. I was fighting with anyone that breathed near me and threatening half the construction crew.

Aden didn't speak, but I knew he was trying to figure out what was up my ass. I had half a mind to leave this whole ordeal to Aden and my father, and go back to the city where everything was familiar and known, but the perfectionist in me couldn't hack it.

I couldn't leave my project in their hands, it was mine, I forced them to come down and help me. I couldn't just up and abandon them now. It didn't make sense because what was the reason? Her? Rosie? It was pathetic.

There was a knock on my door and Aries and Camo walked in. Camo was ex-military, ex-marine, hence how we came up with his nickname.

He's been with me since day one and has been one of the many men that worked security and helped with the illegal part of my deals. They were laughing and shoving each other as they waltzed in.

"How's work?" Aries asked as he jumped on the chair in front of me.

"How's it hanging, Prez?"

"Probably blue and stiff," Aries said, and Camo snorted.

"Shut up. What are you two doing here?" I smacked his feet that were on my desk and got up to pour another drink.

"We were in the area." Camo said and Aries snickered.

"I'm busy." I downed the drink and set my cup down.

Aries's eyes went over my empty desk, and he cocked his brow at me. "Doing what?"

Camo made a jerking motion with his hand and they both collapsed into a fit of laughter.

"I swear I'll strangle you both. Leave."

"Did you see what she's wearing tonight?" Aries asked, edging me as he let out a low whistle.

"Look how angry he got." Camo pointed to my balled-up fists, and I released my hands and flipped them off.

"I'm not angry."

"You think we should tell him about the guy she went home with?"

"What fucking guy?" I spun around.

"I thought you didn't like her."

"I don't. Camo, did you take care of business back in the city?"

He nodded. "Discretely, Prez."

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