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Coming back to his old life in Italy is super hard. Not that it was ever easy, but he thought that he will atleast feel comfortable with being in his home state.

Liam had to pay the monthly rent today. Then call an agency for a job interview. He needs to work from home to take care of Liza, but he will at least have some time since she's going to school next year

Wow, she's already going to school. She is so big.

Never mind. Then Liam had to be here because of the delivered rest of our things. Liza wanted to help him unpack, but she got bored quickly, so Liam did all the work.

"Do you like it in Italy, honey?"

"Hm, it's more colourful here and more ice cream!" she cuddles to Liam, "but I miss Uncle Ni"

"Oh, well we can try calling him on the app. They have six hours less, but she should still be awake."

"Heyyy, Italians." I hear Niall's voice.

"Hi" Liza waves to him.

"Hey, I'm here but I'm cleaning. They delivered our things." Liam answers sighing.

"Oh, it's good they did. I was worried. I almost wanted to send you some money"

"I'm not dying of poorness. We are doing okay" Liam says giving a bowl with apples to Liza.

"I know, but I was just thinking today, don't get mad, but you know how much child support money would you get from...you know."

His heart jumps. Probably thousands of euros.

"What's child support?" Liza asks.

"Nothing baby. That's adult money. Don't worry 'bout it and you, stop thinking about nonsenses. I chose this and I never once regret it. Stop talking about him now, Liza wanted to talk to you, we can handle it later on"

Maybe Liam avoided the topic, but he didn't want Liza to ask too much.

Liam told her she comes from 2 dads. That he was the one who carried her in his belly. They had to leave the another dad because they had some issues together.

Obviously she asked Liam if they will ever come back to Zayn, and Liam not wanting to crush her, said maybe.

Does Liam miss Zayn? That's a pretty tough question.

They never officially broke up or fell out of love. They just became distant, because of the things Liam learnt.

Liam doesn't know if he hates Zayn or what he feels, Liam would just hopes Zayn was honest with him. He wishes he wasn't so young and pregnant at that time.

But that is not possible, they can't change it.

"We are done, Dada. Uncle Ni wants you." Liza gives him the phone.

"Okay, you go watch tv now hm? Put Disney on."

He set his phone next to his bed. I look at Niall, he is sitting on the beach.

"Are you scared of him?" he asks me.

"That's the thing. I don't know. I don't know if he would kill me or ... maybe missed me? Maybe, I'm afraid he might find us. And more than discussing mafia, I'm scared about our child. He doesn't know."

"Maybe he knows." he says

"How would he? He's not stupid. If he wanted to find us, he would. He wouldn't hesitate. I think we were hiding pretty well. Now, let's hope he gave up."

"Good luck with that."

"Mmm yeah."

I wanted to come back to ltaly, so whatever happens here, is on me.


"We managed to find them and take pictures. Just
confirm it's them, please." Louis says.

Why is he saying it in plural form? I'm only looking for Li.

"Them?" Zayn raises a brow.

"Yes, he's been seen with a little girl. Between four to seven years." He opens it and shows Zayn their pictures.

Liam is the same height, has the same color of hair and style of clothing. Zayn would recognize him any day. He doesn't look much different.

That's when Zayn notices the little girl next to him. Who the fuck is that?

"Who's child is that? Is someone else with them?"

"We don't know who it is, but she was with him. Here is the address." He points to it. "They just moved in, if you want to pay them a visit"

"Oh, it's not going to be just a visit. I'm taking them
home to me. He and ... whoever that child is. I'll
take them both here and never let go. I can't make the same stupid decisions twice.


Zayn stares at the information in front of him. So he is back in Italy, how brave of him. He thought I will
not care and just let him go like this? Unacceptable.

Zayn never gave up on him. It broke his heart to lose Liam. He was furious, barely slept or ate for two weeks, and almost killed someone out of anger. He wanted to kidnap Liam's parents to make him come back to him. Anything that would get Liam's attention.

But it's been six years.

In the meantime, he didn't waste any minute. He
bought a new house for em, renovated it. Made our bedroom, and Liam's office when he wants to have free time.

Zayn knows Liam reads a lot, so he made a huge indoor library. He was hopping and waiting every day for Liam to come back to him.

And it was worth it. Tomorrow, Zayn will finally have him back.

Could that little girl be his child? No, he's quite young. Well, he was young when we met, but now ... he's all grown and so am I. I could scream that we lost 6 years together, he better have a good reason for it!

The next morning, Zayn had an early meeting, and then an important phone call. He told his men to follow Liam and tell him if Liam leaves his flat.

If he does, then Zayn's gonna go there on his own and wait till he comes back. If not, Zayn will just pay him a visit at night, anyway.

"Sir, Mr Payne left now with the girl and they are walking. Probably just a walk in fresh air, I don't know."


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