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They have a daughter together. How could Liam lie about something like that?

Maybe it's on Zayn because he had mentioned that he didn't want a child when they were dating. But he doesn't remember now. Shit.

How on Earth did Liam find out? That Zayn was a mafia.

There is no way Liam could have to find it out, Zayn was so careful. He never missed any trait. Liam barely went to Zayn's study or cared about his work.

Someone must have told him and whoever it is, they are dead! I will hang them and skin them alive

They will suffer under his bare hands, in pain and
screams. A lot of blood! Zayn's favourite.


"You can't just manipulate me again, Zayn." Liam says running after Zayn, "just, stop walking. Will ya?"

"I never manipulated you" Okay, Zayn does like manipulating people, but he doesn't think he've ever done it to Liam, " I just want you to go with me now and talk"

"Well you are a liar, you never told me about Mafia
and you clearly wanted to lie now too. I know it's probably a normal thing to you but not to me. I'm just a random guy from the same home town who wanted to be loved. Not to date a criminal. I heard all the talks about mafia. My friend's cousin disappeared under weird conditions. People getting hurt. How would a normal person track me down and appeared in my flat? Hm? Everyone would know it's not normal."

Zayn smiles. Liam is so smart. His baby. "Yes, I know I didn't tell you when we dated, but..you know how fragile you are. You wouldn't have taken it well." he stands in front of the car, and the driver opens the door for him. He sits down with Liza on his lap.

Liam stands in front of the car. "Get in."

"No." he frowns. "If NOW you want to have our child, which is so convenient for you and not before, gives me five years-worth child support and some decent answers."

Child support. Zayn chuckles.

"I can give you the money, but not the baby. Come in or Antonio will throw you here. He's in the gym four times a week and you ...you are not skinny now tho. Still don't make me hurt you."

"You are the worst. You just don't see it."

"-as I was saying, love. I couldn't tell you. We needed to go further in our relationship." Zayn looks at him, "I would tell you" Would he? "just ... other times. Yeah. Other."

"Zayn, if you truly loved me, you wouldn't let me fall in love with you. You wouldn't let me live in lies and then when I would be deeply in love, drop the bomb that you are a killer. You would just break my heart and then when I would try to run away. You would lock me up like a prisoner. Great plan, great. And stop saying it in front of Liza."

"No baby, sit here. You need a seat belt." He sits her in between us and zips up the seat belt. He puts one on him too.

Zayn takes her hand in his and Liam does the same with another hand.

"You could have at least told me about her ..." Zayn whispered.

"Don't pretend as you want her. If I was certain you do, I would tell you but-..." He gives me a side eye. "let's not talk now about this."

They don't talk for the rest of the ride and kept looking out the window. Liam is mad at me and Zayn understands that.

He just NEEDS Liam near him, then they can work it out.


"You live here?" Liam looks shocked.

"We live here, love. I bought it for the two of us and
renovated it. I knew you would come back to me one day. One way or another." I smirk. Any possible way.

"Everything is new and clean." I smile at him. He doesn't smile back. He looks terrified.

"Why are you scared?"

"Okay." he opens the car door and gets out. I unzip
Liza and take her into my arms.

"Don't carry her. She has legs, okay?" he pouts,

"Put her down or she will want to be carried all the time."

"I don't mind carrying her. You carried her first." I give her a kiss. She is so gorgeous.

"I did it out of instinct. I didn't want you to hurt us"

"Why would I hurt my daughter?"

"Why would you not hurt us? Why am I not already
dead? I really don't get it. A lot of whys... I don't know, Zayn. I don't know why you do things and who you even are. I feel like the time we were together was all fake."

I frown. "Don't ever say that. Don't speak about our
love like that."

He shakes his head. "Love? Hm, maybe before." he
whispers, "Put her down, Please."

I listen and put her next to me. I take her hand and
walk her behind me. "Where are you going?" I look at Liam.

"I'm looking at your cars."

I smirk. "I'll give you a tour tomorrow."

"I don't want to sleep over. Really. Just talk and then let us leave. "

My heart gets a sharp pinch of pain. "I will never do
that. You are mine. I need you, Liam, don't you understand? Let's go or I'll carry YOU in my arms like a baby."

Liza starts giggling. "That would be so funny."

Liam rolls his eyes and goes past me into the house, "oh, shit." He says when he sees the hallway
and my paintings.

"Dada, you can't swear."

"Sorry, baby." He gives her a short smile, "I'm just overwhelmed by your ... Baba." He looks at me mad.

"Are you two hungry?"

"No." "Yes!"

I play with Liza's hair. They are so silky. "I will tell my chef you are hungry."

"Who is a chef?" she looks at me.

"A woman who cooks meals for me and I pay her."

She opens her mouth wide. "She cooks for you?"


"And you-you don't cook, Baba?" My heart jumps
up with joy.

I smile. "No, I do cook sometimes" I chuckle, "And also I don't have time. I also have people who clean for me, who do the laundry, cut my grass, drive my car to get oils."

"Dada has to do all that."

Liam shrugs, "Not everyone has blood money, you know. Some people need to work hard in their lives to even survive while others just ... take from the stupid and poor." Liam gives me a strange look and walks off to somewhere.

Okay, maybe not all money I have are legal but being rich takes sacrifices. Since when does he care about the stupid and poor?

"Well, it was your decision to leave me and my MONEY." I snap at him.

"And it was the right one." He says back. That hurt.

"Well look at you now," I watch him, " you are back
in my arms again. You are mine. How it should be." and it will never be different.

"Not volunteer." he whispers.

"Stop arguing, please."

"Sorry about it, baby. Let's get your tummy some food"



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