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"We will be back as soon as possible. Baba just wants to take me on a date." I explain to Liza.

"What's a date?" she tilts her head.

"That is when two people in love, just like me and daddy go walk in the city and eat food together. Hold hands, kiss each other." Zayn explains proudly. I give him a side-eye.

"Okay. Will you buy that pretty ring?" she asks.

"ehm," I panic.

"No. I have to buy it myself and then give it to Dada as a surprise." Zayn nods.

"But it's not a surprise." She covers her mouth, "you just said it."

"Well, he knows BUT he doesn't know what it will look like, so it's a surprise." He assures her.

"I want a ring too." She says.

"Well, that's only for adults but-,"

"I will buy you some kids' ones. Don't worry." Zayn hugs her tightly. He does love her.

I don't doubt he will be a good father to her now. Maybe we would struggle in the past but I took care of it and everything's going to be okay.


"Pick a car." He says in the garage. I look around at the all colors and shapes of cars. I barely know the brands or models.

"Bugatti?" I ask.

"Blue or red?"

"Red is better." I say but I actually have no idea. He takes the car keys and I see the car lights flash.
He drives out of the garage and around the fountain.

"That reminds me. If you ever steal my car like you did THAT day, I will tie you to bed and make you regret it." he says while driving.

"What's that supposed to mean."

"You know what it means, Liam."

I look in front of me blushing. "Sorry. I was really moody that day."

"Well, I'm not just anyone. I need protection. Not that people are at my throat every day. No, don't imagine it like that. But ... if we were to go into some no named street or darker part of Italy, it's good to have bodyguards. Also, sometimes paparazzi follows me and they are super annoying."

"Paparazzi?" I ask him shocked.

"Yeah, they are obsessed with every rich person in here. Maybe they will snap us and put it on some magazine cover but don't worry. I can sue them if they write something bad about you."

"Hm." I nod and give a short smile.

"So, ... just us together. Alone." He starts.

"Just us." I whisper. This reminds me of our little dates. He would also drive me but he had a different car.

"Do you remember how we used to go on dates?"

"Of course, I remember." I roll my eyes, "I remember all of our relationships."

"Too bad we don't have photos."

"I ... have them." I cough, "I mean, some of them. I guess. If I took them from Cuba and if you took them into the house. I don't know, maybe I could find them in some of the boxes."

He smiles. "You still have our photos together? And you want me to believe you forgot about me?"

"Zayn, I never said that. How could I forget about you? You were the love of my life, I birth your daughter and if you haven't noticed, she is just like you. Every day she was around me, I saw you. Your eyes, your smile. You never left me. And when I saw you that day in Italy, I didn't even think twice about who you are. You looked- the same. A bit grown, but exactly how my mind remembers you. I could never erase you from my mind."

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