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Zayn is sitting in a business meeting for 2 hours now looking tired and annoyed. Being the Boss has many advantages but then some disadvantages.

"Can we get to some point, already?" He says as he rubs his temples and takes a sip of the black coffee.

"Yes, of course. So, here you can see-"

He looks up at Harry, his childhood friend. They've
been working together ever since Zayn can remember.
It's rare to find someone loyal, who can be your friend but also share the same passion for work. They discuss work parts in work and private parts after it. It works.

Harry knows everything about Zayn. He doubts there's any secret Harry doesn't share and vice versa with him.


"That was a fucking long deal. Good, we have it behind us." Harry sighs and I nod.

"I wanted to leave an hour ago. I swear if they didn't propose the idea, I would shoot them for spending my time like that"

"I was thinking about having a free dinner, but I see
you are dramatic as always."

"It's not being dramatic, it's about having respect"

"There is no one who doesn't respect you, Zee, it's impossible. So, stop worrying about that"

Zayn loosens his tie, "Maybe."

"Sir, there is some news from Mr. Tomlinson. He needs to speak with you urgently." My bodyguard says.

"Not today, I'm tired" I sigh.

"He says it's really urgent and you will want to know this information right away. He wants to drive to your house."

"Fine, whatever. It better not be long"

What could he want so urgent? Some deal? Wait, he
totally found a rat. I knew there was someone. I could smell it.

"It's like eight-thirty in the evening, don't people have better things to do? Do I have to stay? I need a bath, I feel so sweaty and gross"

Harry lives only 4 houses away from me.

"It's up to you. I have no idea what Louis has to tell me, but I think you can hear it from me tomorrow. I think he just wants to kiss my ass and it's not that deep."

"It better not be some bad news, but I'll have my phone with me." He looks at me and I nod.

The closer I get to my mansion, the more I want to

My driver parks in the garage next to a mansion. He stretched his back and walks to the house.

"Bye Zaynie. See you tomorrow."

"Bye. Take care"

Louis is already sitting there in the kitchen.

"What is so urgent? Cut it, I'm not in the mood

He goes to the refrigerator and grabs a bottle of
cold water.

"I know, Zayn, I wouldn't bother you if it wasn' extremely important. I know how much you value
your time, but this is very important and you must
know the information tonight. You would cut my head off if l told you a second later" Louis starts his voice dropping to mumbles.

"Yeah, well, the floor is yours. I'm listening. It better be good, I'm so tired."

"We finally managed to track him." He says.

Zayn grips the bottle tight. "Are you talking about-?"

"Liam? yes. Turns out he came back to Italy. After five years."

He's in Italy?

"Where is he?"

"We don't know yet, but he was definitely at the airport two days ago. His name and bank transaction are in the Italian system. We don't know how he managed to escape five years ago, but his plane ticket goes way back to...Cuba."

"Cuba?" Zayn blinks.

"Yes, it's an island near North Amer-"

"Yes, I know where it fucking is! I just don't understand, why-how. So he lived in some Cuba this whole time? No wonder we didn't find him."

"We are not sure, but all clues lead to it and he probably used his old mother's surname."

"Of course, he's smart, but I still don't understand
so many things"

Why did he leave so suddenly?

What caused all that?

Why move to a completely different continent away from me?

I must see him.

"Where does he live now?"

"We are still investigating"

"You don't know?"

"It's not that easy, Zee. My men are doing their best. I just thought you should know he's here. In the same state as us again and it will only take days until you see his face again. That's.. what you want, right?"

"That's what I need!" Zayn almost yelled.

"I don't want him, I NEED him in my life again."

"Okay, I know. Just as l get new messages, I'm calling you a minute later. He cannot run away in Italy, that's your territory and everyone would be on your side. He's trapped."

Zayn smirked. "He probably thought I forgot about him, so he came back. How silly. I could never forget our love."


Zayn couldn't sleep at night. He is tossing around, thinking about Liam. His beautiful face and sweet voice.

How he used to hug him and wish him good night.
But then something clearly changed in his thinking.
He left me, he breaking Zayn's heart and disappeared
without a single reason. He searched around the
whole Italy, and almost trashed it. I even tried Germany since Liam's family is there, but no sight of him.

And now? He probably lived in that fucking Cuba.
Cuba. Why that? Probably because no one would ever think of it.

Sitting in a fancy restaurant that Zayn reserved in his name. Everybody knows who Zayn is here, no need
to pretend. Liam as usual is once again looking around, not used to this luxury.

"Today's week is Cuban. I hope you don't mind that
I order us some food."

"Cuban?" Liam giggled, "I've never had that."

Zayn stares at him as he almost eats the plate.

"Wow that was delicious. I definitely need to go to Cuba and watch the locals cook it."

Zayn chuckled and said "Let's go together someday."

But he forgot the second they exited the restaurant.

Zayn doesn't even know how he remembers now.

Is it possible he did it because of US or is it a coincidence?

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