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I knock onto Liam's room but he doesn't answer.

"Liam?" I say and come in, but the room is empty. I frown to myself. Where can he be? I walk into Liza's room, but she is playing with her dolls. Laura is taking care of her.

"Baba, you want to play with us?" she asks

I smile. "Later honey, I need to find your Dada. Have you seen him, Laura?"

"Oh, I just heard him coming out of the door,"

"Hm, it's fine."

He isn't downstairs anywhere and I get really
confused. I just risk It and call him on his phone.

"Yeah?" he says.

"Where are you?" I ask him with a beating heart.

"What will get if I tell you?" he asks me teasingly.

I smirk. "A kiss."

"Eh, I refuse." I know he would want one though.

"I will buy you something nice."

"I'm in the library." I smile to myself and run there. I open the door to see him laying on a couch reading a book.

"Dorian Gray?" I raise a brow at him.

"So what? Don't judge me. It's my guilty pleasure book."

I smile. "Really? I didn't know that. I just bought some... classics and a couple of new adult things. I know you like reading"

"Hm, I do."

"Well, is the library pretty? I build it for you"

He sighs and sits up. "Zayn, I get it. You care for me. I can see it and...it's nice, I don't hate you. I just can't jump in your arms and continue from where we stopped. I'm not the same person I was five years ago."

"I know, you grew up and I like you this way even more. I just want you to be happy with me." I look into his eyes.

He shrugs, "I'm fine. But it's hard to show some affection when your parents want me out of the house."

I frown and walk to sit next to him. "Don't listen to them, what matters is how I feel about you. They were raised differently."

"It hurt my feeling. Good thing Liza wasn't

"I know. Mother really didn't hold herself up, but that's how she is. She only cares about the opinions of others. It must be a horrible life."

"Hm, well l care a bit too. I hoped that they will help us since my parents don't really like me much."

"I've never met them. You didn't want me to
see them." I look down at him.

He blushes. "Yeah, that," he sighs, "Okay, I will tell you how it is. My real dad died and my mother married my stepfather when I was seven. He is five, he just works too much and he's barely at home. He doesn't really spend much time with me. He prefers his blood-related son that is ... two
years older than me. And my mom, she just hates rich people. I knew that she would call you spoiled and snobby. She would probably try you to give us money and I would be so embarrassed.
I know you probably don't care, but I would bury myself if you had to pay for dinner for my whole family or pay for the shopping bill, just because you can."

I chuckle. "This reason never crossed my mind. And now? She still hates me."

"Well, I had to tell her about you because.. I was pregnant but she hated that I was and she wanted me to get an abortion. Also said some gross things about you having money again."

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