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"Where is your pyjama?" I ask Liza. She shrugs.

"Dad dresses me." She looks up at me

"She is five Zayn, she can't do everything"

Liam frowns and takes her hand "She needs to have a bath, wash her hair, brush her teeth, I need to braid her hair so it's not tangled. Then get her dressed, lay her in bed and read a bedtime story. Also, we usually sleep together. I hope you packed her doll or I'll slap you"

That much just to get to bed?

"Five is old enough to do it herself," I say.

"Oh really? Says someone without children. I raised
her for five years, I know what to do. Do you want her to hit her head and bleed out? Or eat the shampoo accidentally? No, I don't think so, but since you are so smart. Why don't you do it yourself?"

"Me?" I ask.

"Yes, you. You are a father too. Where is my room?"

"I was hoping you will stay in our bedroom"

"Huh? In your bed? I would never. If you don't have a spare room, I will sleep with her"

"No, I have many rooms. I have yours too for.. your personal things, but it only has a single bed."

"That's fine with me. Liza, Baba will take care of you. I'll give you a kiss goodnight, okay?"

"Hm, okay"

"My room" he raises a brow.

"Third one from here." I point to it.

Zayn Malik's father mode activated.

I take her to the bathroom and run the water. I check the temperature and put some bubbles in too.

She tiptoes to the water and sits down. She looks
at me and I smile.

We are so similar to each other. My heart hurts that
I wasn't there.

"Okay, I will wash your hair then." I roll the sleeves
on my shirt and take the shampoo.

"That's not mine." She whines.

"Yes, I know."

"I have a special one."

"What?" I say confused.

"So I don't- don't cry when it's in my eyes." She points to her eyes.

"Huh? I don't know what you mean. We will use this
one today. Ehm, wet our hair."

"Hold me, please." I hold her head as she wets them. I put the shampoo on and massage it. Then wash it again.

I brush her hair outside and she whines.

"It hurts!"

"I'm trying, sweetheart" I'm fighting with the tangles. "Just hold on"

"It doesn't hurt with Dada" She says.

"Well, he left me here alone so what can I do" I leave the hair alone and give her the pyjama.

"Okay, teeth" I give her a pink brush and some toothpaste. She spits it out.

"It burns."

I look at the toothpaste. It's a mint one.

"Shit. Okay, drink water, here." I give her another one and she brushes it again. She gives me a death glare. I guess I didn't impress her tonight.

"I will blow dry your hair"

"Dad doesn't do it. He says it will damage my hair"

"Okay? So you just sleep with wet hair. That's not
healthy. Aren't you cold?"

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