Steps Closer

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Alex nodded and smiled, "Soon you'll have a few magical items!" After rolling her eyes at Bill's fight against the vine, Alex stood up and looked at Adrian. "Ignore Bill. Would you like to try walking?"


RazorBlood was just about to leave his office when Pandora came through the wall, "I was just about to check in at the shop. Did something happen?" He asked, fully expecting to hear about Adrian going through some distress after being informed of his permanent damage that resulted from the wounds.

The spector professor shook her head, "Yes, Adrian didn't enjoy hearing what was said so far and I'm sure the last bit of the information wasn't a pleasant thing to hear. However, he's handling it better than most."

"You left before everything was explained?" RazorBlood commented, feeling quite surprised and confused as to why the ghost did that.

Pandora nodded with a sad smile, "He said something that I'm sure was hard for him. Adrian told us that he can't remember his birthday and he asked if he could look at his file."

"Very few admit that." The goblin said, actually sounding relieved. He snapped his claws and a file slid out from between the stones. "Let's go." RazorBlood said as he took hold of the file and walked out of the room with Pandora.

Despite one of them being able to move through solid objects, the pair boarded the elevator behind the stone wall together. Barely a few seconds later the cage elevator opened up and they entered the new floor. To be more precise, the goblin stepped out onto a hexagonal raft. It seems the floor on this level was actually a lake with several hexagonal floating platforms.

The lake itself was only at foot deep and so clear you could see some plant roots poking out from under the colorful sand making up the lake bed. Since the floor under this one was the very level Adrian was on that meant one thing. This floor nurtured the vines down below. However, the water had another task. Moving the sand and rafts.

One of the platforms, the largest made of many hexagonal sections, had several display cases for wands along the edges. When someone wants to order a special custom item they're given a puzzle box exactly like the one Adrian played with. During the solving of the puzzle the puzzle takes information and a little sample of magic. Upon completing the puzzle the little ball inside comes to this floor and is drained by the colorful sand.

RazorBlood nodded when he felt the file in his grasp shake and saw a ball appear in the air, "Just in time." He commented and the tiny ball hit the water with a soft plop.

The ghost and goblin watched the ball settle into the sand. Immediately after the sand just around the ball began glowing and floating away. A moment later their small raft began drifting towards the large platform. The closer they got they saw that each floating platform had a goblin clerk in the center.

Like gears in a clock the large platform turned with RazorBlood's raft. Soon the two platforms were lined up and the hexagons easily connected. RazorBlood and Pandora were now looking into one of the display cases.

The goblin clerk picked up a clear glass vase from his desk, scooped up the floating grains and joined RazorBlood at the display case, "An interesting set of colors ... This is close enough." The clerk mused as he carefully inspected the sand in the vase, which looked exactly like the sand in the lake. Something about the colors that rose to the top seemed to lead the clerk to a display case. "Is this close to your client's original results, RazorBlood?" The clerk asked as he handed the other goblin a wand.

RazorBlood skimmed over the various materials that made up the wand and sneered, "No, but that's not surprising. Is everything else done?"

The clerk quickly went to his desk and returned with a clipboard, "One compartment briefcase, one student apartment key and two medical check-in orbs. All are finished and linked to his magic. When he's ready we can get a few sets of clothes together as well."

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