Book Smart

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Hidden between the heart shaped stones were an extra set of runes and those will be only the beginning ...


"Excuse me." Harry paused and turned around to look at the blushing Hufflepuff standing behind him. "I made this for you." She said and shyly handed over the a heart shaped card.

Harry smiled, making a few other students swoon, "Thank you."

Ron huffed, "You're quite flirty." He muttered, feeling a little annoyed with how friendly Harry was to these giggling fans.

"I should be polite. It's rude to avoid them." Harry commented simply, but deliberately cast a fire spell and let the letter burn when they were alone on the covered clock tower bridge.

The redhead perked up and walked with Harry. Ron smiled as the letter burned down lower and lower. Just before the flame reached Harry's fingers the remaining scrap was tossed over the side of the bridge.

"I'm the savior, right? I need to keep a lot of people happy or people might spread nasty lies." Harry said indifferently.

Ron grinned, "Like the Daily Prophet. I get it. Come on! My brothers are going to Hogsmeade any minute!"

A smirk appeared on Harry's lips and jogged behind Ron. Without his friend seeing him he cast a spell. Suddenly, the burnt letter was flying back up to his hand and piecing itself back together as it went up. By the time it got back into Harry's hand it was back in its original state. That resurrected letter was quickly tucked away into his pocket before they even reached the end of the bridge. Of course, Ron never noticed.

"I can't believe Hermione wanted to study instead of giving Percy a list of snacks. Who doesn't want Honeydukes candy?!" Ron muttered in exasperation and immediately picked up speed when he saw his brothers standing with the other older students, who were allowed to go to Hogsmeade.

Percy sighed, "I'm not getting you every sweet in Honeydukes. Three things each. No more. You don't need another stomachache. Mom will kill you if you get sent to the infirmary again." He said only partly playing pretend under his rule loving facade. The other part of his response was actually said through his very real role of a big brother. Even this big brother was concerned about the candy his brother eats.

Ron winced at the reminder of what happened when he first returned to Hogwarts. The second he was out of his mom's reach he ate all of the holiday candy in one sitting. Even his stomach couldn't take that much and he had to be taken to the infirmary.

The young redhead snorted, "I'm not a child. I only want a few things." He said before rattling off more than three types of sweets.

"Slow down, Ron." Harry chuckled, cutting off Ron's order. "They only have so much money. I can owl order anything they can't get." He commented, but there was an eerie feeling coming from the green eyes. It was like unseen hands tried to touch their minds.

Percy pretended to not notice the sensation as his new mental shields stopped the assault, "You shouldn't encourage him. If he gets food every time he wants it then he'll pop." He muttered and for a fraction of a second he saw annoyance flicker through the green eyes. "I'll come back with three candies." Before Ron could start pouting he and the twins were transported to Hogsmeade with the rest of the older students. "Are you both ok?" A concerned Percy quietly asked the twins.

Fred and George were a little shaken, but nodded, "We're ok ... Where should we go?" They asked in perfect sync.

"There's a bookstore I never checked before." He suggested and the redheads set the candy task aside to focus on the real issue.

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