On Course

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For now, he wanted to get a new identity and get back in the public eye. With Dumbledore out of the way there was no better time to start charging things ...


"Draco! Greg! Blaise! Vincent! Over here!" Ron yelled from the bleachers of the Quidditch stadium in Hogwarts when he saw the Slytherins enter.

In the previous year three certain redheads were caught trying to sneak out after curfew. Instead of getting in trouble, Percy, Fred and George, accidentally inspired the headmistress. As a result the Quidditch field was given a second purpose ... an obstacle course!

Several students, parents and some guests were invited to check it out before the school year began. That's why they were all there, even Adrian, Ginny and Molly. Many were excited to try out the course and when the headmistress gave the ok those first volunteers stepped up.

Percy grinned and stood up, "I have to try this. Wish me luck."

"As if you need it." Adrian chuckled, but happily gave the playful redhead a kiss. Ginny and Molly both smiled.

Ron grinned, but as his eyes watched Percy and the twins run off he noticed Draco was watching Adrian. It was only for a split second, but was there a blush on the blonde's cheeks? Of course, Draco already noticed and quickly took control of his expressions.

Thinking he might've seen wrong, Ron looked at his other friends. Greg and Ginny smiled in amusement and nodded. That action, followed by a snicker from either Blaise or Vincent, confirmed it. They saw Draco's blush too.

Ron leaned on Greg, "So when did ... the fight?"

Greg scoffed, knowing full well that Ron was wondering if the crush started that summer when Adrian stopped their fathers from fighting, "No. That helped, but something more recent-"

"Hey! I'm right here." Draco muttered, getting annoyed that they'd actually discussed this now when was seated right in front of them.

Adrian pretended that he didn't hear everything and turned around, "What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing!" Draco said, but a bit too fast. It caused a few snickers. To avoid further embarrassment he quickly considered changing the subject, but someone out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. "Hermione is here."

Molly became alert and everyone else became a bit tense. Granted, it wasn't because of the witch. Hermione has managed to maintain a solid friendship with the Weasley family. The twins have been especially dedicated to finding creative ways to exchange notes with her. Any awkwardness was because she's usually pairing herself with Harry. Everyone relaxed when they saw that Harry wasn't with her as she came over.

The witch smiled and sat down with everyone,"Harry decided to enter the course so he won't know I'm sitting here."

"He's down there?" Ron asked before chuckling. "This should be fun." He muttered, wondering what his brothers will try to get away with while in the obstacle course.

At that an ominous rumble was heard in the distance. In response, a series of lovely banners shot out of the towers around the field. The crisscrossing banners created a pretty giant ceiling protecting everyone from the approaching storm.

Molly gasped, pleasantly surprised, "Oh! How lovely! No one needs to worry about the weather now. Something like that should have been set up years ago. I was always worried that kids would get sick if they're made to play in the rain."

With the storm no longer a factor anymore everyone decided to watch the arena down below. At first, it was almost like the course was going to be hidden since everyone could only see the three Quaffle hoops sticking out. Everybody else was blocked by a thick mist.

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