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It was going to be a busy few weeks ...


Not long after arriving at Borgin and Burkes, Adrian noticed some new items in stock in the back. The creepiest by far was an item nicknamed 'possession kit'. Really it was just a really fancy name for a doll especially made for ghosts to possess. Just like the one his professor uses, but this was definitely the cheapest one out there. It was just a naked wide eyed doll with gray scuffed skin and it also required some assembly considering its arms and legs weren't attached to the body.

Adrian quickly stopped looking at the creepy thing. There had to be a nicer, more life-like option. He hated the creepy thing so much he decided on another project to fill his time.

As he avoided making eye contact with the doll he spotted an old set of glass vases, "Markings?" He pondered when he saw the runes etched on the surface of the glass.

"Sharp eyes." An old man named Mr. Borgin chuckled as he put the opened sign on the door of the shop. "Those are remnants of an era before the unbreakable spell was invented. It became especially popular during times of war. Anything that prevented damage, but also didn't waste magic or leave traces and etched runes did that. Unfortunately, many things were broken as the runes were applied."

"Was it that difficult?" Adrian asked curiously.

The old man shrugged as he went behind the counter and joined Adrian, "I don't think so, but it was also during a war when it was the most popular and when people became fed up with it. Everyone was probably too tense to etch things properly. Of course, there was no need once the spell was invented, people learned to cast spells without leaving traces and the war ended. It's just a relic of the past."

A ring from the door signaled that a customer arrived. Mr. Borgin cheerfully went to greet the customer. Adrian immediately looked up at a mirror hanging on the wall.

Instead of calling out what box or item the customer wants, its image will appear in the mirror. It was a more private method than yelling out the order. Unfortunately, the image that appeared wasn't something Adrian wanted to see.

"Figures." Adrian muttered and went to get the creepy possession kit.

A shiver ran down his spine when he set it on the counter. Sure, the doll was in multiple dismembered pieces and was very creepy, but it shouldn't make him feel this unnerved. After watching the cloaked customer check the product to see if it was what they wanted he realized the customer is what gave him shiver worthy levels of creepiness.

Odd considering he's met a number of questionable characters while working here. Very different atmosphere than the bookstore he works at for sure. However, none made him more wary than this hunched cloaked man. Sure, the customer seemed a little rat-like in appearance from what little he could see under the hood. However, the hood only revealed enough because the very skittish customer jumped when a noise outside startled him. Why did Adrian find such a wimpy person so unnerving?

The customer jumped slightly as if someone spoke, but no one did, "Right away!" He squeaked fearfully before promptly throwing a few coins on the counter and running off with his creepy doll.

"Could he ... be dealing with a possession?" Adrian asked after the door to the shop closed. It made sense considering how the guy acted and it might explain why Adrian felt unnerved.

"Probably, but it's not for us to say. If he wanted to destroy the ghost then there are other options. He didn't take the chance to say anything so this is his problem ." Mr. Borgin said, sounding oddly cheerful even though he just admitted that someone was possessed by a ghost.

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