-Chapter Fifty Two-

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Chapter Fifty Two:


Life is like a river. There are bends and meanders just like there are obstacles in life. There is high ground and low ground and sometimes things overflow. Just like a river floods and eventually it flows into a vast sea of nothingness. That is the circle of life and death.

I felt so ill the day after I drank an entire bottle of wine. My stomach churned whenever I thought about it and it made me rush to the bathroom. It had even made Billie have to use the other bathroom because I kept having to go in and out just to throw up. I didn't even feel that hungover but I felt so ill. It must have been because of how cheap the bottle was. The minimal things I ate that day probably didn't help either.

A few days later, Harry came home with takeaway in his hands. He had been doing work all day and had just been out to get everyone food. I offered to go with him but he said that he would rather go on his own. I shrugged it off and he left. I snuck upstairs when I realised that I needed something. His work was sprawled out all over my desk. I couldn't help but take a peek at it. I know that I shouldn't have but it was right there.

I scanned over how much he had written. I was still yet to do this work and I wasn't going to copy him, obviously. I got into Cambridge without copying anyone so I could get my way through it. It was work to do with Macbeth and I needed to do it as soon as possible because I was leaving it to the last minute but in my defence I had basically been bed ridden for the last few days because I was so weak that I couldn't move.

I stepped back a moment later and retrieved what I went in there to get. I also picked up a book at that same time and headed back downstairs. Harry was just walking through the door when I stepped off the bottom step. "HEY! FOODS HERE!" I shouted up the stairs to the boys that were here. I was still making an effort to make sure that everyone in the house ate dinner together. It had kind of become a habit that everyone had picked up. It was an unspoken rule that whatever you were cooking or ordering, you had to do enough of it for everyone in the house.

Zayn wasn't here because he was busy doing some work experience or whatever. Louis also wasn't at home but I have no idea where he was. He could have been anywhere but he would be home at any point.

Niall came trundling downstairs as I was helping Harry carry everything. "I told you I should have come with you." I said to him and he rolled his eyes. I narrowed my eyes on him and said, "did you just roll your eyes at me."

The corner of Harry's eyes creased as a grin broke out on his face. His dimple popped out on one side of his mouth. "Did you just use my fifty shades quote against me?" He asked, popping one of his hips as he rested the takeaway box on it.

"Maybe." I winked at him and he laughed. We walked into the living room and passed everyone their food. We sat down to watch something random that we found on the telly.

We ended up watching quite a bit of a random show before Harry decided that he needed to go upstairs and finish his work. Harry had a very good work ethic and I applauded him for it because I wasn't the same. When Harry knew that he had a deadline, he would make sure that it was done a few days before so that he could make any tweaks that he needed to. Whereas I didn't. I always left it to the last minute and I have often stayed away for hours at night on the day that it is due to finish work until a stupid time in the earlier hours of the morning.

Niall flitted off to do whatever he was doing before and Liam did the same shortly after, leaving Billie and i alone in the living room. She switched the TV over to some new medical drama that she had started watching because she finished Grey's anatomy really quickly. According to Zayn, she had watched so many Grey's episodes when I was away that she practically finished a season every two days.

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