2. Rhaenyra

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Viserys thought he might hack up a lung at this rate he walked on unsteady to get to Corlys. He needed this to go well. He needed a union and rumors to settle.

''I'm sorry to keep you waiting, a long day." Corlys remarked descending the stairs.

''Come, cousin. Let us discover what might be had for breakfast.'' Laena offered kindly to Rhaenyra leading her away. Viserys coughed again and again, a thick breath in his lungs.

''Your Grace.'' Corlys remarked as he approached but Viserys kept coughing as Corlys took a knee before him.

''Rise, Lord Corlys.'' Viserys said in between coughing fits.

''Be welcome. May I offer you a chair?'' Corlys questioned as the door opened yet again and Rhaenys came in.

''Cousin!'' she declared a forced smile on her face. Aisha was to stay in her room, Ser Joffrey was keeping an eye on her. The less people that knew the better and Joffrey had already seen whatever Aisha had done. He was now in the fold of their secrets.

''Princess.'' Viserys said kindly but he cringed in pain as she hugged him.

''Are you well?'' Rhaenys asked skeptically.

''Very.'' Viserys assured.

''I congratulate you, Lord Lyonel. I can think of no man more suited to be the Hand of the King.'' Corlys said kindly but there was still a thick tension in the air.

''That is very kind of you to say, Lord Corlys.'' Lyonel replied. ''His Grace has honored me with the post.''

''Pity about Ser Otto." Corlys added. His eyes shifted to the rain, his mind still spiraling about Aisha, his baby girl, a witch? No, she was to perfect to be evil. Witches were evil, Aisha was goodness and light. But what he saw, what they all saw, was... magical.

''Despite spending most of my days amidst the grandeur of the Red Keep, the halls of High Tide never fail to impress.'' Viserys remarked changing topic.

'You flatter me, Your Grace.'' Corlys told him, forcing a smile. 'Though I do wish we could meet under happier pretenses.''

''How so?''

'Daemon's wife, the Lady Rhea Royce, has passed''. Corlys informed them.

''A hunting mishap. She was thrown from her horse. Her neck and skull both crushed in the fall.' Rhaenys added

''A most surprising end. Lady Rhea's skill as both rider and hunter were well-known.'' Corlys agreed

'The gods are cruel.'' Rhaenys added

''Indeed. Lady Rhea was a fine woman and a, uh... good wife to my brother. Sad thing that she and Daemon have no heirs to succeed her.'' Viserys told them stiffly.

''She stood to inherit Runestone.'' Corlys reminded him and Viserys bit back a response.

''Mayhaps we can turn toward happier pursuits.'' Viserys offered, he said needing to show strength.

''What did you have in mind, Your Grace?''

''I wish to propose a marriage between your son, Ser Laenor... and my daughter and heir, the Princess Rhaenyra. It's long past time our houses were united in blood. The last pillars of Old Valyria." Viserys offered them through another cough.

''You honor both me and my house, Your Grace. There are certain details I would wish clarified before the Princess Rhaenys and I could accept this most... generous proposal.' Corlys retorted.

''What details?'

''We would like to know how the succession... will be handled.''

''Rhaenyra is my heir. Upon my death, my throne and my titles will pass to her. She and Ser Laenor's firstborn child, regardless of gender, will inherit the Iron Throne from her.'' Viserys told him confidently.

''Can I presume that, in keeping with Westerosi tradition... their children would take their father's name?'' Corlys questioned

''That they would be born Velaryons? Surely, Lord Corlys, you are not proposing the Targaryen dynasty end with my daughter simply because she is a woman?'' Viserys chuckled

''I only seek clarity, Your Grace.'' Corlys corrected as Viserys went into another coughing fit. ''Might I have a chair brought in for you?''

''I do not...'' Viserys said with another cough ''No. I do not require a chair. Upon their birth, Ser Laenor and Rhaenyra's children shall take their father's name, Velaryon... in keeping with our traditions. However, at such time when their firstborn ascends the Iron Throne, he or she will do so bearing the name Targaryen. Dragons will rule the Seven Kingdoms for the next hundred years, just as they did the last.' Viserys said suddenly out of breath.

''This is an equitable compromise.'' Corlys agreed, with Aisha so close in age to Aegon perhaps another union there as well. If they figured out what Aisha was. If she could control it. So many ifs clouded his mind.

''Good. Now, if there's nothing further.'' Viserys said hopefully, he could hear the waves crashing around driftmark around them.


''In truth, if it had to be someone, I'm glad it is you. I know this union is not what you would choose. I hold nothing against you, cousin. No, I... Rather... Dare I say it is a matter of taste? I prefer roast duck to goose. I cannot say why. It's, it's not for a lack of trying.'' Rhaenyra offered

''There are those who like goose very well.'' Laenor offered confused he was only half paying attention his mind was on his littlest sister. Her life could have ended had he not been to caught up in his cock but Aisha... she did something magical. She did something wonderful. Laenor shook his head trying to clear his mind of what he saw, what Aisha did and focus on Rhaenyra next to him.

''I find it a bit greasy for my taste. I know that whatever agreement being struck up there will not change your appetites, nor will it change mine." Rhaenyra offered as her and Laenor walked the shores of driftmark.

''And what do you propose?''

''That we perform our duty to our fathers and to the realm and when it's done... each of us dines as we see fit.'' Rhaenyra offered

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