28. Claim

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"I always thought... this would be us." Aegon remarked. Aisha spent a lot of time with the twins. She couldn't help it they were so cute. Aisha turned slightly as Aegon sat down next to her. He opened and closed his mouth wordlessly as she grabbed his hand.

It felt like their relationship was sweet bitter. Started so sweet all their plans and love, so sweet. Sweet to the touch and the taste of each others lips but like a bee drawn to the sweet honey the sting came. The sting that left them with a bitter taste in their mouths. Aisha loved Aemond she did. But there was something about a first love that was hard to shake. Impossible to shake when she knew he still wanted her.

"Any lucky?" Helaena asked coming up behind them and Aisha scooted away from Aegon but he held tight to her hand keeping her next to him.

"What?" Aisha croaked out.

"You and Aemond... any luck of a child of your own?" Hela offered.

"Oh... no." Aisha said softly.

"Can't finish?" Aegon whispered and she swatted at him. "Sorry, sorry." He whispered his lips grazed her ear.

"I... want children. I want.... This." Aisha assured. "They are so cute. You two make the cutest kids." Aisha told her as she got up.

"We would make cuter kids.' Aegon assured and Aisha moved past him.

"I should... um... Ravens!" Aisha declared. "I'm hoping for word on my father... excuse me." Aisha said rushing out of the room.

"What did you say?" Hela asked but Aegon's focus remained on the door. "Aegon what did you say to her?"


"I'm sorry my sweet... still no word." Alicent told her. Aisha nodded turning around. "Aisha?"

"Yes your grace?" she turned back to her, her stomach in knots.

"I know you are worried about your father, please know that you have the crowns support and prayers for him." Alicent offered kindly.

"Thank you, Your grace." Aisha told her as she shifted her feet anxiously on the ground. "I... might I be candid with you your grace?"

"Of course." Alicent agreed and she nodded to Criston and he moved out to the hall closing the door behind him.

"I... I don't know if... Aemond or Aegon told you about... me." Aisha said hesitantly.

"I'm afraid I don't understand." Alicent told her.

"I'm... I... perhaps it would be better if I showed you." Aisha offered.

"Show me?" Alicent questioned.

"I know... that with everything... with Princess Rhaenyra and my brother... then Daemon and...." Aisha let out a hot breath. "I assume I mean, I don't know I hope not-"

"Say what you mean." Alicent urged.

"A war is coming. I know it. The moment they killed my siblings, your grace. Daemon killed Laena and Rhaenyra killed Laenor. I know it. I know it deep in my gut. I know they did this so that they could have control and power but...." Aisha took a step closer to Alicent. "I know the king is sick. I pray for him. He is a good king, kind and gentle. He... I know that one day... hopefully not soon but I know he will pass. I know Rhaenyra is the heir but she should not be." Aisha told her confidently and Alicent couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips. "I know I'm young but when the time comes know that I stand beside Aegon and Aemond's true claims to the throne."

"Thank you my sweetling... you wanted to show me something?" Aisha nodded and moved to the pitcher of water. She held her hands over it and created a bubble of water floating. Alicent stared perplexed.

"I can do a lot more than that." Aisha told her. "Know that if you want to push for Aegon's claim, I will help you." 

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