43. Imprisoned Me

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"Aegon brought me to the Street of Silk on my 12th name day." Aemond remarked he had a hood pulled high over his head.

"I remember that." Aisha agreed. "You were a nervous wreck." Aemond kissed her cheek.

''It was his duty as my brother, he said, to ensure I was as educated as he was. At least that's what I understood him to mean.'' Aemond remarked stiffly.

"I'm going to hope better of Aegon though," Aisha told them walking off. Aemond stared after her.

"But that was also before he found out who I was marrying." Aemond added.

''I don't follow.'' Criston said as they knocked again.

''He said, "Time to get it wet." Aemond clarified.

" Every woman is an image of the Mother, to be spoken of with reverence." Criston knocked again impatiently.

A whore opened the door and stared back at them a smirk on her lips.

'' Sometime last night, we... misplaced our drinking companion. Knowing that he has been, in the past, a patron of your fine establishment, we thought to inquire here as to his whereabouts."

"And describe him.''

''That is a delicate matter.' Criston said softly. ''You see, the man we seek is the young Prince Aegon. I may trust, I hope, in the discretion of your trade.'' The whore chuckled.

''The Prince is not here.''

''Has he been here? Earlier, perhaps?''

''Quite a bit earlier. Years ago, in fact.''

''But more recently?'' Criston offered hopefully.

''He does not frequent the Street of Silk. His tastes are known to be... less discriminating." She informed them.

'' Meaning what?' Criston asked confused.

''I wish you luck, good Ser. And my best to your friend.'' She locked eyes with Aemond. He stared back a moment ''How you've grown.'' Aemond turned back around following Criston feeling awkward. He was glad Aisha had ran along.

"Where do you think Aisha went?" Criston asked as they walked.

"To the waters would be my guess but I don't think Aegon would be that out in the open." Aemond countered.


"Viserys amended his wishes. It's as simple as that." Otto sat on the iron throne. ''You once swore your banners to Rhaenyra. You must now pledge them to the future king." Otto instructed the great houses of westeros.

''I must confer first with my house on this matter.''

''You'll not leave this room without declaring your intention.'' Otto corrected.

''I am no oath breaker... I will not bend the knee.'' Otto huffed out a breath.

''Anyone else?'' Otto countered.

" House Fell... keeps its sworn oath to the Princess." Lord Fell declared.

''Very well'' Otto agreed nodding to the knight, those faithful to Rhaenyra were escorted out. Everyone else fell to their knees.

''Long live the King.''

'' Long live the King.' They echoed.


Midnight Rain // Aemond Targaryen // Aegon II Targaryen (1)Where stories live. Discover now