15. That and This

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''It is Lord Blackwood's contention, therefore, that the Brackens moved the boundary stones in the dead of the night and put their horses to graze in his field.'' Lyonel declared

''Why was this issue not brought before Lord Grover? Has he grown so feeble he cannot settle a quarrel over rocks?'' Alicent countered

''I've heard tale that Lord Grover's son now rules Riverrun in all but name.'' Jasper wylde remarked

''Well, he is also a Tully and this remains a Tully problem.'' Alicent told them all.

''I would agree." Viserys agreed

''If we may move on, my lords...''

Rhaenyra: And yet, the Brackens and the Blackwoods will use any excuse to spill each other's blood. So... this dispute bears looking into. There will be country olk who know where the lines have been drawn for generations.

''That is easy enough.'' Lyonel agreed ''Of course. Ser Tyland.''

''Uh, we should address the latest developments in the Stepstones, my lords." Tyland offered with a sigh.

''Will we ever be shut of that blasted place?'' Viserys murmured

''If you ask me, I think the Blackwoods have the upper hand.''

''No. We've moved on to the Stepstones, Lord Beesbury.'' Alicent told them

''And the Triarchy's new alliance with Dorne.'' Tyland went on louder.

''I was hoping our negotiations with Sunspear might persuade them to see reason.'' Viserys said with a cough ''To trust a Martell is to be disappointed.''

''And where, I wonder, is our Prince Daemon? Or I suppose I should call him King, as he styled himself when he won a battle there... once.'' Jasper offered

''That was a decade ago and he has since left the region undefended. '' Alicent reminded them.

''We have left it undefended. There should've been fortifications built, watchtowers, a fleet of ships, a garrison of soldiers sent to hold our ground.'' Rhaenyra countered, Alicent loved to push her buttons.

''We cannot afford it." Alicent corrected ''Our coffers are great, but not infinite. We must consider the cost to our subjects.''

''I must agree.

''The cost of war is greater.'' Rhaenyra countered ''But we have been lax and the old monster now lifts its head.

''Let us be finished.'' Alicent demanded

''Yes.'' Viserys agreed with a sight

''Wait. I wish to speak.'' Rhaenyra declared

''Be seated.'' Viserys agreed softly.

''I have felt the... strife... between our families of late, my Queen. And for any offense given by mine, I apologize.'' Rhaenyra began as she stared over at Alicent. ''But we are one house. And long before that, we were friends.'' Rhaenyra offered. ''My son Jacaerys will inherit the Iron Throne after me. I propose we betroth him to your daughter, Helaena. Ally ourselves... once and for all.'' Viserys smiled happily but Alicent was not pleased. ''Let them rule together.'' Aegon and Aisha, although they were a good union, Alicent couldn't have her only daughter married off to a bastard. Aegon's happiness would be forfeited for the greater good of the family.

''A most judicious proposition.'' Viserys agreed

''Additionally, if Syrax brings forth another clutch of eggs, your son Aemond will have his choice of them, uh... a symbol of our goodwill.'' Rhaenyra went on

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