45. For You

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Fury // Harwin Strong out now!

"Well played." Otto remarked as Alicent approached.

"None of this is a game." Alicent seethed.

''And yet you treat it as one." Otto countered. "A charming contest, the... prize, a pouch of silver." Otto put down his cup as he moved across the room to her. "We have relied on one another these many years. And now it is the good of the family that we both desire. Whatever our differences, our hearts remain as one."

"Our hearts were never one. I see that now. Rather, I have been a piece that you moved about the board." Alicent corrected

''If that is true, then I made you Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Would you have desired it otherwise?" otto retorted.

"How could I know? I wanted whatever you impressed upon me to want. And now the debt comes due. A debt you were happy enough to pay." Alicent reminded him stiffly.

"A sacrifice. A sacrifice made for the stability of the realm. No king has ever lived that hasn't had to forfeit the lives of a few to protect the many. Though I understand your squeamishness." Otto demanded

"Reluctance to murder is not a weakness!" Alicent spat. 'I have Aegon. We'll proceed now as I see fit.'' Alicent let out a heavy sigh. ''We will send terms to Rhaenyra on Dragonstone. True terms, such that she may accept without shame."

"If she lives, her allies will mass behind her banners, looking for her return."

"Then she must not return. My husband would have desired this mercy be shown to his daughter." Alicent said confidently.

"Your husband? Or you, his daughter's childhood companion?" Otto countered

"Criston Cole will be named Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. My son will be anointed tomorrow at dawn. The whole of King's Landing must witness his ascent. He will assume authority. There will be no more dithering. My son will take the crown of his namesake, the Conqueror, and carry Blackfyre, his sword. Let the people remember the ancient strength of House Targaryen." Alicent said as confident as a queen.

"You look so much like your mother in certain lights." Otto remarked gently Alicent hissed out a breath as she turned and stormed out the door slammed closed behind her. "As you wish..."


Alicent stomped down the corridor pouring herself a drink as she entered her chambers and then heard Larys voice echoing.

"Your Grace." Larys said softly.

"The hour is late, Lord Larys." Alicent reminded him.

"I've found out something that you should know. Have you asked yourself, I wonder..." Larys began and Alicent put her feet up on the table. ''how it is... that your father, the Hand... found Aegon first?" Alicent sighed, waiting. "There is a web of spies at work in the Red Keep. Along its threads travels news of all our doings. Your father knows this, but has left it in place. More than once, it has proved advantageous to those willing to... feed the weaver."

"And this weaver watches me?" Alicent asked.

'Um...' Larys waited as she pulled off her stocking. ''One of the little spiders is your lady-in-waiting.'


''There are more like her. Even I do not know their number. There is one way to destroy his advantage. It must be taken out at the head." Larys informed her. ''When the Queen dies, the bees fly without purpose. Begging your pardon for the turn of phrase, Your Grace."

''I assume this task falls within your expertise.' Alicent drawled out.

''If you wish it... it will be done.' Larys agreed and Alicent nodded turned away from him her feet visible as he began to stroke himself.


Aisha stared back at Aemond as he closed Aegon's door. With a sigh he moved aside and Aisha went inside. He stared back at her as she sat next to Aegon.

"Why did you run?" Aisha whispered as he held tight to her.

"I'm not fit to rule." Aegon whispered back not letting her go. Aemond stared at them from the door.

"Your mothers thinks you are... I think you are better than Rhaenyra.' Aisha offered running her fingers through his hair.

"You want Rhaenyra dead." Aegon countered. "Anyone would be better than her to you." Aegon offered.

"Well... that is true." Aisha agreed and Aegon choked out a laugh. "Look at me." Aisha said lifting his chin. "I know this is all new and scary but I'm right here. Aemond is here, Hela too, we all love you and want you to succeed."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that.' Aegon countered. "Hela hates me. Aemond wishes I was never found-"

"That's not-" Aisha began.

"It is. But its okay. He would make a better king. A better husband. A better everything." Aegon told her. "I hate mother still for that." Aegon admitted resting his forehead against Aisha's.


"Marrying me off to someone that isn't you." Aegon told her miserably. She ran her hands down his face.


"I love you. I'm no good at anything, Aemond would be better. We all know it. He knows it. I would have been good at one thing." Aegon told her tears welling in his eyes.

"What?" Aisha questioned softly.

"I would have loved you. Without a doubt, I would have loved you right. Been a good husband to you. I know that because that's all I wanted for so long." Aegon told her.

"Aegon..." Aisha whimpered sniffles in her nose as she traced down the tears on his cheeks.

"I love you." He whispered. "I have always loved you. I never wanted a crown. I just wanted you. I'm getting everything I never wanted... and I will never get the one thing I want." Aegon told her. Aemond stood as still as a statue. Watching them, he felt his heart rate pick up as he saw a tear fall down Aisha's face.

"I think..." Aisha whispered moving her hands down his neck. "I think you will make a good king. A great king."

"I would give it up, for you." He told her holding onto her tighter. Aisha buried her face in his neck, he felt her tears dripping down his chest. 

Midnight Rain // Aemond Targaryen // Aegon II Targaryen (1)Where stories live. Discover now