37. Killing Velaryons

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''Open the gate!"

''Hold your nerve, my Queen.'' Otto remarked. ''What we do, we do for the good of the realm.''

"I must confess a certain uneasiness now this is at hand." Alicent remarked. ''He may yet live.''

''But we must be prepared if he does not.'' Vaemond remarked.

"The realm has enjoyed a long peace, a credit to the work of both Jaehaerys and Viserys, but the threat of war looms and may arrive on our shores." Otto told her ''When it does, will you want a child at the command of the greatest fleet in Westeros?''

''We must, of course... act in the interest of our subjects.'' Alicent agreed

''The next Lord of the Tides will be deeply in your debt, Your Grace. As will Driftmark... in all its strength." Vaemond encouraged.


''Grandmother?'' Rhaena questioned

''Rhaena. Baela said you might be here.'' Rhaenys remarked hugging her.

''She's done well as your ward. You've, um... raised her admirably.'' Rhaenyra said coming up behind them in the gardens.

''You honor me, Princess.'' Rhaenys said softly her face pinched slightly ''Might I speak to the Princess alone, Rhaena?'' Rhaena nodded heading off.

''Princess.'' Rhaena said heading inside.

''I wondered for many an hour what your purpose was in coming here. Whether you'd speak for or against the suit brought by Ser Vaemond. But then, I realized... you intend to advocate for yourself.'' Rhaenyra remarked calmly. ''This is no fair proceeding. It is a trap set by the Queen and the Hand, I'd wager, to proclaim my son illegitimate.''

''Yet you did worse than that with Laenor. Did you not?'' Rhaenys spat. "Aisha has a better claim then your sons." She added. "I'm sure you would love that too, a true Velaryon-Targaryen ruling driftmark."

''I loved your son. You may not believe it to be true, but I did. I did not order his death. Nor was I complicit in it. I swear this to you.'' Rhaenyra didn't kill Laenor. He was in fact still very much alive. It was the truth everything she said, the truth. ''I'll make you an offer. Back Luke's claim, and let us betroth Laena's children to mine. Baela will be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and her sons will be heirs to the throne. Rhaena will rule in Driftmark, and... the seat will pass to her and Lucerys's children in time.' Rhaenyra said quickly.

'A generous offer.'' Rhaenys agreed ''Or a desperate one.'' She added stiffly

'' What does it matter?' Rhaenyra countered and Rhaenys chuckled softly.

''You are right in this, at least. It does not matter.'' Rhaenys agreed ''You can bargain with me all you like. Bring my granddaughter with you to soften my resolve. But tomorrow, the High towers land their first blow. They force you to your knees... and I must stand alone."

"Mother?" Aishas smile faltered seeing Rhaenyra.

"Hello Aisha." Rhaenyra said but she marched pasted her and hugged her mother.

"Oh my sweet girl, look at how you have grown!" Rhaenys declared kissing her head.

"Any news on father?" Aisha asked.

"None yet." Rhaenys informed her. 'But we can remain hopeful."

"Of course, he is always in my prayers... I went looking for him." Aisha admitted pulling her mother away from Rhaenyra.

"You did?"

"Last year, I was tired of waiting for answers." Aisha told her. "Mother, I have a dragon. A water dragon. I wanted to write but I didn't want it to get intercepted."

"Intercepted?" Rhaenys countered.

"You never know who would want a water dragon in their arsenal." Aisha offered glancing to a retreating Rhaenyra.

"I knew you would." Rhaenys told her. "Your own water dragon. Where did you find one they were thought to be extinct."

"Deep within the waters, buried under the sand. I was out for moons looking for father and I had almost given up with I saw the egg. I held it and it just, opened for me. Oh mother she is so beautiful." Aisha told her. 'she doesn't really get along with the other dragons still but she loves me. I swim with her every day."

"That's so wonderful." Rhaenys told her happily. "Your brother and sister would be proud."

"It's funny." Aisha admitted. "When- before I got Aquarius when Aemond would take me flying I felt closer to Laena." Rhaenys hugged her tighter. "Vhagar, she is a beast, I don't know how Laena handled her. Aemond is taking good care of her, they have a good bond." Aisha added.

"Are you happy? You look happy." Rhaenys remarked.

"I am." Aisha assured. "I... I love Aemond, I'm really glad to be here. But I do miss you."

"I miss my girl. Have you talked much with Baela or Rhaena?" Rhaenys offered.

"No." she answered softly. "I don't... its hard." Aisha admitted. "Knowing that they got so many more years with Laena than I. That Daemon stole her away and I missed out on getting to know her. Then Rhaenyra killing Laenor and she stole him away from me to."

"Hush, don't speak like that you will lose your tongue my love." Rhaenys told her.

"It seems to be a habit." Aisha countered.

"What?" Rhaenys asked running her hands over Aisha's arms.

"Killing Velaryons."


''Alicent? Alicent...'' Viserys said with a heavy breath.

''No, it's Rhaenyra, father.'' She heard his stiff breath in his lungs as he looked to her.

"Rhaenyra." He murmured softly as thunder raged outside the window. He was in no fit state to do or be any use for the meeting.

"The Song of Ice and Fire." Do you believe it to be true?" Rhaenyra asked eagerly.

''Aegon's Dream.'' Viserys agreed

''You told me it was our duty to hold the realm united against a common foe. By naming me heir, you divided the realm." Rhaenyra reminded him, Viserys continued breathing heavily, pained breaths Rhaenyra didn't recognize her father anymore. ''I thought I wanted it. But the burden is a heavy one.' Rhaenyra admitted softly. ''It's too heavy.''

''My... My only child.''

''If you wish me to bear it, then defend me. And my children." Rhaenyra begged. Viserys gave a head sigh closing his eyes. Rain poured down, thunder raged around them. ''It's...''

Viserys murmured and Rhaenyra sniffled at his side crying, she didn't want to lose him. She waited too much time.

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