12♕Flatline // Prince Charming to the Rescue

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Hey! How's everyone doing? Enjoy this chapter!


The day before leaving back to California, Derek invited you out to have a picnic. It was cloudy and in the middle of the day. The park was a bit crowded, but you didn't mind. Derek was the only person who had all of your attention.

Beside you, Derek was tense. His jaw was being tightly clutched while his hands were by his side, away from your reach. He was staring ahead looking at the pond where the ducks swam in. One of his eyebrows raised, like he was puzzled about something.

His gravelly voice broke the silence between the two of you. "I want to be honest with you," His glance at you felt shameful, like he did something...or felt something. You bit your lip in anticipation as to what he was going to say. You could feel your heart beat going out of control. Around you, the wind started to pick up.

Derek turned his body towards you. You could see his Adam's Apple move up and down; he was gulping. "I really like you, Y/N, but not in the way I thought I did."

Your eyes widen and you almost had to hit your chest for almost choking.

"What?" Is he...?

"No offense but I don't see us in the future...I'm sorry." He said, almost like it wasn't him actually talking.

"Wow, way to be blunt about it." You said, shocked.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I thought I did like you in that way, but I was wrong. I-"

"It's because you like someone else, huh?" You said, frowning a bit.  

He didn't say nothing. He was probably even more ashamed of himself. You couldn't believe it, Justin was right about him. No, you didn't hate Derek. You couldn't blame him. The same thing was happening with you (and Justin.)

"Who is it?"

"What?" He turned to you, sadness filling his eyes.

"Who is it?" You asked him again, slowly, and emphasizing each word.

"Roxie. I've known her for years."

"Years? How? I went to school with her and I've never heard about you?"

"Her brother was my brother's best friend. They have a long history." He brushed it off. "But when my brother would visit down here, I would come with him and that's basically how I met her."

"Oh." You sighed. "Well, I'm glad you said something before we got serious." You frowned. You really really liked Derek, and it was heartbreaking that he liked someone else. Fate works in mysterious ways.

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