7♕Blindness // New Lover

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"Grab a partner and choose a word on the board." The professor clapped her hand and watched as everyone got up to look for their partner. From the other side of the room you saw Derek making his way over, but a soft hand wrapped around your wrist.

"Hi, wanna be partners?" You turned around and saw a tan girl with long dark hair. Her big brown eyes scanned your face in hope. "Sure."
She seemed pretty nice, and from past experiences of her dramatic and comedic monologues, she was brilliant in acting.

"I'm Quinn, you are?"

"Y/N." You smiled at her. "Nice name." You both walked up to the board to pick a word. While she chatter away at how the scene would go, you looked back and saw Derek had to be partnered with a group that already formed.

"How about that word," You pointed to the word on the board. "It goes well with the scene you have in mind."

"Cool. Let's start planning this."

After twenty minutes of planning your open scene and making friends with Quinn, class time was over.

"Okay actors and actresses, Wednesday you'll perform your scenes on the stage. After we finish with everyone's scene, I have big news for you all that I know you'll love. Have a great day."

You left the room alongside Quinn, who was putting her number in your phone. Out the corner of your eye, you saw Derek approaching you.

"Hey, can we talk?"

"Not at this moment, I have History in five."

"Well I could walk you there while we talk."

Quinn handed you back your phone and bid you and Derek a goodbye. You and Derek both walked in silence until you both stepped out into the cold air of January. As you zipped up your coat, Derek broke the silence first. "I don't exactly know what happened Friday night."

"We had sex." You said bluntly as you glanced at him. Derek blinked a couple of times and waited to talk until people passed the two of you.

"Yeah I know but does this change a thing about us?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Like...are we together?"

"We haven't gone on a real date. We never shared our feelings with each other. We don't know each other that well. I don't think that means we're together."

"Right." Derek sighed. Silence fell over again as you both walked closer and closer to History. Soon enough, you were standing at the entrance of the classroom. "I'm sorry Derek. I was just frustrated that day with my mom and everything. You're a nice guy. Can we start over and take things slower?"

Derek's famous smile appeared on his face as he listened to you. "Yeah. I'll text you later."


Days, weeks, months, semesters passed as you and Derek grown closer to each other. You haven't heard much from your mother or anyone else around her, like your brother or the boy with the blonde hair who was obsessed with your mother. Your classes began to get harder, and more and more friends were made. You had many opportunities coming your way - like being an extra in a movie that was shooting a few miles from the school. It was now the summer, going into your junior year. You were making plans for vacation, but not before stopping at your mom's house. 

"Amsterdam is gonna be amazing! I can't wait to see the beautiful buildings and hot boys!" Roxie exclaimed as she zipped up her final suitcase. Roxie, you, and Quinn, your new roommate, were going on vacation to Amsterdam. You were going to take a head start and leave L.A. to see if your mother would want to come along.

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