17♕Almost, but Not Really

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The morning sun shone onto your face, waking you up instantly. Groaning, you wiped your eyes with the back of your hand and opened them. The feeling of strong arms startled you a bit. The memories of last night raced in your mind; the date, him, the sex. That boy was gifted for sure.

Beside you, he was still sleeping peacefully. His light snores made you giggle. You pulled the covers up on you both more and cuddled up against Justin. You were exhausted from last night. After the first round you both couldn't contain yourselves from two more rounds. There was no doubt that he turned you on.

It wasn't long before your eyes shut and you fell back asleep. When you both woke up, your phone was ringing. Justin was closest to the desk where your phone was so he grabbed it for you. "Morning babe." He stretched as he handed your phone to you. "Good morning." You smiled at him as you sat up. You looked at your phone and saw that it was the number from the audition you did the day before.

You answered it quickly. "Hello?" Justin sat up too, wrapping his arm around your bare waist.

Hanging up the phone you smiled brightly at Justin. "That was the people I auditioned for yesterday. They want me to come back and read lines for Lady Macbeth!" You exclaimed. Justin hugged you tightly. "Babe, that's great. I know you'll get the part because you're amazing."

You hugged him back, still grinning. "Even though you haven't seen me act, thank you." You laughed.

"So what time is the reading?" He asked as he pulled you on his lap. You bit you lip, feeling his erection already. "Ahh, an hour babe."

"It'll only take you twenty minutes to get ready, I'm sure." He said as his hands went from your waist to your thighs. You smirked. "Baby twenty minutes isn't enough time for me to get ready." You giggled. You could see his Adam's Apple move as he chucked. "Well that means we better start fucking now." He winked.

You surprised him by making your way down to his erection. You glanced up to him and saw him staring at you curiously with one of his eyebrows raised. You winked at him and gripped him in your hand. You could hear him grown and tense up, making you even more excited. Your began to lick his tip slowly.

"Babe stop teasing." He groaned as he started to pull your hair. You smirk as you pushed him inside of your mouth. "Damn..." He grunted out. He pulled your hair harder which made you moan.

"Oh fuck that felt good." He said. You began to suck him off with him groaning and moaning every three seconds. Ten minutes later he released.

After your little round with Justin you were getting your clothes ready for after you shower. "Justin, what are you gonna do when I go to the audition?"

You could hear him get out the bed and slip his clothing on from your closet. "I think I'm just gonna hang around."

"In here?" You shouted as you hung your clothes up on a hanger and got your shower caddy ready.

"Yeah." He said, sounding unsure. You walked out the closet and saw him texting away on his phone. "Okay well in going take a quick shower and get ready to go. Actually, do you want to get breakfast after I come from the reading-"

"Actually something came up," he said as he locked his phone and got up from the bed. He quickly slipped on his boxers. "I'm sorry babe, I have to go back as soon as possible." He looked at you with those big brown eyes. You bit your lip and nodded. "It's fine. Do what you have to do." You assured him. He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He placed soft kisses on your cheek, and all the way down to your collarbone. "I didn't want to leave you this early."

"It's fine Justin." You repeated. You didn't want him to leave this early either but you both have responsibilities to tend to. You had to go to the reading because it's a huge opportunity for your major and Justin had to do whatever he had to do back home.

"I'm sorry." He said as he began to gather his things. You nodded as you watched him put on the rest of his clothes and walk back to you. He gave you a sweet kiss on your lips, not like the ones he was giving you last night. "I'll see you soon." He said as he hugged you tightly before letting you go.

"Yeah. See you soon." You said as you watched him walk out your room smoothly. You stared at the space until the sound of the loud door closing knocked you out of your thoughts. You still couldn't believe what happened in the past twenty four hours.

Pinching yourself lightly, you remembered that you had to be dressed and out of your room in less than an hour.

Justin's P.O.V.

I couldn't stay in her room any longer with a straight face and act like everything was fine. I was falling for the girl. Everything about her screamed out at me like I was just some helpless guy. My heart's been played with for so long, I don't know how to love. It's not love that I'm feeling from her...not yet at least. It's just this longing want that I have for her. And lust. Definitely lust too.

I walked to the side of the dorm building and took out a cigarette and a lighter from my jeans. As I puffed out I thought about all the shit I've been through with her mother. It was stupid of me to go to her mother but I couldn't help it. Older women had some kind of effect on me. They were like an addiction to me. Like a game. I've been with four other women before Y/N's mom. Ever since Selena. Selena was my first everything. Y/N was gonna be the one to get me back on track to girls around my age but what I'm feeling for her now is messing this up for me.

I don't want to hurt Y/N.

Before I could finish my cigarette, a campus cop came over and told me to put it out and leave. I didn't fuss with him but just dropped the cigarette, stomp it with my shoe and left.


how'd you like Justin's point of view?

and by the way, Justin is hiding something huge! bye he's not gonna confess it that easily;)

question: is Justin coming to your city on the purpose tour? guess what, he's not even coming to my state! ugh.

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