Do you Remember?

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 Do you remember?
 The way I loved you.
 That was not a fantasy.
 But the so well-crafted deception...
  Manipulation at its finest.
 Love crafted so fakely.
 You held me in comfort while you broke me to pieces.
I came to you an already shattered mess Told you of your sins; you confessed. Your words soothing to soul.
 Words spoken of "Sorry" Words of "Young" "Stupid" Responsibility taken.
 Rested I was.
But you had to meddle and have a little taste on the way.
 Did I spoil your appetite?
Claims of not wanting to destroy?
 But you inevitable did what you do best.
 Catch my heart on fire.
 We go back in our cycle.
 I am never enough.
 What we are is just a puff of smoke.
 A mirror image of what love could be.
 But the closer you are the more scared you are.
You are nothing short of a coward.
You simply cannot be We cannot exist, for you always sabotage it.
 Love so fierce but melts away at the sign of stress.
 What a messy foundation we seem to have.
 Built on the backs of an innocent in pain.
 How could you treat me the way you do?
 Look into my eyes and tell me I wasn't just passing time.
 That our dance was a long one-night stand. My reaction to you was subtle.
 You could not hear the breaking heart.
 I must confess I have torn apart you in my soul.
 A gaping hole appears where your hooks laid.
 But the skin is healing, Reeling in the pain.
 I will abstain from your wicked ways.
 It creates such a haze in my life; A fog to walk through
 Of whom you will love and who you will not.
 I was smitten with the idea of us, and it was hot.
 Desire of wanting more, when really, you were less.
 All you did was cause me grief and stress.
 Trying to listen to your pain While my own soul cried out for healing.
 Your empty love like a parasite on my heart.
 To depart from you was the best thing I ever did for me.
 I hope the memory haunts you for the rest of your natural life.
 I will not ask you to return for I do not want strife.
 I will not send anyone to attack you, I will not mourn the loss of you, I have accepted you for who you really are.
Art thou a monster?
 It's not a concert; It's not arranged torment.
 You are nothing but a whore net.
 You claim to love but only shatter
. It's not even the matter at hand, its your lustful ways that you can never depart from.
 You are who you are, and whether you accept that or deny it, I will have already figured out the truth and simply put, I will not love who you have chosen to be.
 So, this is my last words to you as if you have passed.
 We were never meant to last.
 It was always a forthcoming goodbye  

Ona Aria's Poetry Collection (2022-2024)Where stories live. Discover now