Despair; In the weary soul

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This burden feels overwhelming, leaving me unsteady.
The shadowed rope stares at me beneath the harsh light.
I persist in donning a facade, attempting to wear the light, while onlookers commend my strength, inwardly, I don't belong.
 I cling desperately, but at times, the yearning to escape intensifies.
I yearn for a home that eludes me, haunted by my own adversary, a reflection of myself.

In the silence, I grapple with the notion of being a mistake,
A forgery in a shell, trapped in a version of existence that's not authentically mine.
Like an avalanche, I'm buried beneath the remnants of survival,
Tumbling beneath the undertow of life's currents, with no respite in this cacophonous town.
 Thoughts assail me like relentless bullets, hexing me in a spell of self-doubt. I am a ghost, an endless specter of demise, a test with no resolution.

In the labyrinth of my mind, I yearn to expel this grief from my soul
, Yet I remain trapped in this hole, engulfed by flames of self-loathing.
 In a forest of thoughts, I burn, convinced I'm not resilient enough.
I am consumed by the fires of my own self-hatred, a monster of my creation.
Though I thought I had confined the beast,
 it tore through me relentlessly, a smiling sin drenched in blood.

This emotional tempest seems interminable, a night without end, I crave the solace of comforting words and reassurance to hold me tight.
 Yet, everything remains obscure and misunderstood,
 I long to cast these doubts into the well of forgiveness,
 but the grip of insecurity holds fast. I feel adrift, lost in the labyrinth of my emotions,
Despite the love around me, at times, everything feels awry.

Ona Aria's Poetry Collection (2022-2024)Where stories live. Discover now