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I'm tired of pain. I am exhausted from the blade that keeps stabbing me in the back.

Attack the thing that loves me most.

A host of torture and regret.

Why do I love people who are no good?

When under the hood they are evil snakes and yet I extend my time to them anyways.

Enemies of my soul and pain to my spirit.

But to be near and needed was enough in the life I lived of abandonment grasping on anything that felt like a strong hold.

Behold I am nothing but a small creature to be stomped on.

Kicked and mistreated for that is the way of things.

Can't you understand that I am nothing to anyone

They say they love me and care

But it's wrapped in words of despair.

Quick words and empty promises.

Tie me in knots and keep me bound.

A hound chases me back to the corner where I have always been

Wrapped in chains and bled to be a drink to those that need love.

Taste MY blood. Eat my bones.

Know that you are home when you consume me

For that is all people do and all people have done.

I love and love until I am exhausted on every level.

What trouble I am in to not forsee my fate.

I hate how much love I gave because it was always to the wrong people.

You're better off now that I've filled you with pieces of myself.

But I can't give myself what I so desperately needed

I haven't heeded the mental warnings of a person grinding themselves down into nothing.

I just simply can't take the pain.

I can't fake it. I'm riding on a fine line of not caring anymore..

Becoming so numb I shut the door to my heart.

I cut my ears so I don't hear the screams of others' painful experiences and wish to be a healer for them.

I can't take the betrayal.

I hurl in emotional vomit

I am not it. I'm not the person that can hold you anymore

I've told you the truth.

You can deduce that I am not lying.

But it's just me tying the ropes where they belong. To jump off the metaphorical cliff and let my neck swing like that of a chandelier exposed and naked.

Take it... take it.. take it!!!

Take everything that I am and ever will be because every time I build myself up it's torn down.

I can't take the fake, the hate, the character I've had to play. The person that simply is love.

Above all else horror is all I will ever feel.


With no home.

I'm tired. I am done. I can't withstand the sun in my chest setting me ablaze.

Maybe I should allow the flame to creep to burn everything that I am.

Maybe I should become someone entirely new, once again remodeling myself..

Ona Aria's Poetry Collection (2022-2024)Where stories live. Discover now