I Am the Unknown

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I Am the Unknown I don't fit in the in crowd
and I am not in the out crowd I am somewhere in between.
Somewhere mixed with madness
Where crazy is normal and normal is wrong.
There is where I belong, in the space of the void.
 The noise is deafening in the world of my own I am somewhere beyond the stars, Past existence. Hurling towards other worlds like a meteor
I am the space in the cracks everyone walks past I am always chosen last..In the class of unknown somebody's pretending to be nobody's. All reaching for a title unable to be bestowed
I am the empty feeling you feel when you sit all alone.
 I am loneliness itself
The darkness that wraps around your frail smile darkness but also filled with light balanced Ying and Yang
I am the whispers in the dead of night
That seems to leave you with a fright.
am the ghost of friendship
My ship never sinks it only goes past the brink of extinction
Beyond the unknown is where I seem to sit,
Where understanding is left and logic is senseless
I am wrapped in emotions like vines
No one can hear my still soft cries
For I am the forgotten... lost in the grotto
Of thoughts tossed like rocks into the lake
Known for only a moment before I am dropped into oblivion
I am as deep as the Marianas Trench.
My person unexplored in wonders untouched.
 I am the quiet in the night, the silence in between each breath you breathe.
The second where the heart skips a beat.
I am within the feet that run to their destiny.
I am filled with questions unanswered.
I am the dust of the universe, drop a penny in my well of thoughts.
I am misunderstood. To understand me is to understand the broken clock that ticks off beat.To really take my heat you would need fireproof clothes.
For I am also fire that will flay your bones.
My roar will shake your body asunder. The meek growls you hear will strike like thunder and lightning on your skin.
I am the unknown.
I wait in silence for a chorus of morbid sadness to bring me to freedom.
I am the unknown.
I walk past existence with life and death in my hands.
I am everything and nothing. I am what is known beyond the veil I am the fear you feel on your last breath of life.
I am what beckons you from strife.
To know me is to be known.

Ona Aria's Poetry Collection (2022-2024)Where stories live. Discover now