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I am an empath. It's just.
The only way I know how to last.
Putting you before me has ALWAYS been the case.
Lace me up in unforgiveness and resentment.
Because I always put YOU before ME.
I Can't see myself in the mirror.
It's dirty beyond compare...
Rip and tear and the thoughts inside of me bleed.
Only to let my wounds be licked by those who need a drink.
 I am an empath.
I feel your emotions and your aura.
I want to do nothing but wrap you in myself.
To help you feel needed beyond what my needs are.
Because I know what it's like to be ignored.
I whore myself for attention.
To be needed is to be wanted and to be wanted is to be seen.
To be seen means I MUST be heard.
But all that speaks back is an echo of love ...I WISH I could have for myself.
The strife inside my bones makes my body feel ... alien.
I am my own worst assailant...
I am an empath.
I love and I love, and I love until the cup I had drawn from goes barren.
To love the world is such a hard task.
To be the love that everyone needs but ... not with me.
I'm an empath.
I feel your mood shift.
I know when you need love, but I can't read myself and know when I need it too.
I'm blue in the face.
Breathless from exhaling so much love
I have carbon monoxide poisoning.
Poising myself in the light shown for ... everyone else.
 I'm shattered like a chandelier.
Broken to catch the light and display it for others to see.
I rip and tear at me.
Sewing bits of flesh and personality.
But none of it is sticking.
My patches are falling.
And I'm in despair.
Who am I if not an empath?
If not to drown myself in the void of being, there for everyone but me.
Can't you see that me is the mistake?
I quietly gesture to all of me as I say this.
I'm an empath.
My path is laid before me in submission bowing to others.
Uncover the tethers that make up me to find that I am bound in my own insanity.
Ropes that I Intentionally tied myself in.
To keep myself held together.
While I bend over backwards for you.
Because I'm an empath.
Breaking myself to better you is how I survive.
But that's lies.
I am an empath, but I am stronger than my past.
It's time I stood up and stood tall.
Against it all. To know that I am worthy.
I am not dirty I will not throw myself at the mercy of the world.
For I loved it.
But it didn't love me back.
it's now time to attack this thing called self-hate.
I am an empath...
But don't mistake me when I say that I will break the habits of loving you more than myself.
You call it selfish but That's because your world is hellish and depends on my energy to sustain it.
But I am the sun, you can't contain my flames that rise and burn.
You will learn that I.
 I am more than just something to take from like a candy basket on a doorstep on Halloween night.
My path does not lead to you in submission on bended knee.
I am an empath but the caring I have done is now sent on express mail to my soul.
The hole will be filled, and I will reside in peace.
 The lease on the love you had for me is up.
No payment will renew the noose you had around me.
 For I will love me.

Ona Aria's Poetry Collection (2022-2024)Where stories live. Discover now