Faith Shaken

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**Written February 29th 2024**

Behind the masquerade is a phrase waiting to say "Here I am, I've arrived."
 I have come in the skin I was born in.
 I am no longer torn by the way my eyes glean with pain.
 I don't think heinous thoughts, Because I am bought by a price of blood.
But sometimes it really feels I was more connected by the webs of pain.
That the world got me; and I fit like a puzzle.
 But it's a puzzling thought, that the price I've been bought at is too much to scoff at.

Don't be ashamed of the gospel; but I've been treating it like I am locked in a mental hospital.
Why is my garden of faith producing such little harvest?
 I am the harshest fruit.
 Is there even any sweet tasting love within me?
Am I the chaff and not the wheat?
Am I the part that you brush away and ignore, not good enough to be counted.
It's confounded that what's been done puts me in a state of lack.
I attack the idea of being in pain constantly.
Like I'd rather be there than healed.
Yahweh pealed me away like layers off an onion.
It's true that he makes ashes beautiful.
 Unity in my soul; but sometimes the doubt likes to creep in.
Faith is feeble but strong like the sea.
 Roots that grow into something that's stronger than what you can see with the naked eye.
 I can't lie when I say a miracle is what's happened inside.
But when I speak to try to tell people of the love that's sprouted within me.
Satan sends his minions to rip my efforts asunder.
Like my voice has lost its thunder, my eyes don't flash with rage.
 I am meek, so I say.
But the power that the is laced behind the words "Satan get behind thee."
Binds more than I can physically see.
I know who I am in Christ. These Faith Shaken roads.
Doesn't hold me in its abode. I am not broken.
I've been spoken for. A true Christian revival.
I've gone down to the depths of hell only to rise again.
Lifted up for everyone to see its possible.
You don't have to live in the hostel of sin.
While faith might shake like the mountains in a quake.
You can never mistake that Yahweh will show up in ways unimaginable.
Its tangible.
If you ever feel faith shaken.
 Know it's already alright to stumble.
 Its the most humbling thing to say,
"I simply can't do this life without you Lord Yeshua.
"If only you knew the fire and flame that bellowed from the depths of my heart. I was separated and departed from the light, Doomed to bathe in shadows and pain. Scrubbing and scraping the stain until I had scratch marks on my chest.
I cannot attest the amount of physical pain that caused me all this strain.
Clear disobedience and unforgiveness choking me in bitterness. It was only when I got on my knees and said
"PLEASE." That my heart spilled 17 years of pain, in the years of 2020 to 2023;
 I grew taller than the trees.
 The faith shaken person that I was, that had doubts.
Is cast out into the furthest reaches of Sheol.
 I have told, I have told!
How much power is behind these words.
Healed and created constantly renewing no longer the person bent on vengeance.
 I see the signal of the divine, Holy thine braided on the vines of the savior.
 For I am truly the wheat and not the chaff, started with a lie.
Way up high, but the lord brough me back down to the ground. ~Fin~

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