Hearts Journey

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Small girl with a cup in her hands, full and drinking from it, She is joyus

She finds herself walking down a cobbled road to hear someone crying in the alley way,

She stops and she turns down the dark alleyway with her cup that is now shining bright,

She finds the little boy crying and she kneels beside him, and takes the nape of his neck and allows him to drink from her cup

He is joyus again, but then he leaves her in the alleyway,..She is disgruntled as she looks at how much he took from her, Her cup is now half full

She continues on the cobble road for miles, alone. With just her cup. She is no longer as content and care free anymore,

Things are getting a lot harder with her cup being so little, she spends just enough time on her to refill her cup again

But it wasn't enough to share, It would ever be enough for her

She passes another dark alleyway to hear screams for help, she hesitates knowing if she goes her cup will be empty. But she ignores herself,

She knows she will have nothing for herself. But she can't ignore the screams

Standing there she forces herself down the alleyway; as she sees not one but three in the alley, glancing at her cup she doesn't have enough to share; she places the cup on her heart,

Her heart begins to glow as the cup beings to fully refill, but it's left her weak, With minimal strength she crawls up to the people, they glanced at her with scowls holding their own broken, dirty and gone cups; they take from her cup, leaving her only just a drop,

She sits there in the alleyway as the people now have thrown their cups to the side, they no longer need it. She gave them her happiness,

She sits there with her cup as she again places it on her heart, the cup struggles to refill; she scrunches her nose as she screams loudly, the cup bursts with fullness

She gets up from the alleyway wall, she is now dirty, covered in soot. Her face is bruised. She lifts up her shirt to see her heart has gone black, this is the last of her cup, struggling to stand up, she makes her way out of the alley into a meadow. She is peaceful for awhile; She wanders by herself feeling content, the meadow begins to turn into a lush forest; as she bounds and skips through the ivy covered trees; singing to herself, when she hears the echo of a scream. Her eyes direct themselves to a shadowed part of the forest.

She is terrified

She hears the screams for help, grasping her cup tightly she glanced at her heart, knowing if she were to go in there. There was not a chance she may come out; The scream goes off again. It's the sound of a small girl.

The little girl holding the cup is in terror. The hair on the back of her neck stands on edge, as she moves closer to the thicket,

The girl begins to become addicted to the feeling of watching people's souls return to their eyes, She continues on in the darkness. Unable to see, She is terrified, but she holds onto the passion of what she is doing.

The darkness starts to choke her; as she begins to feed more and more people, more of her soul, and more of herself, There was so many screams. She couldn't help them all. The people found her light, as they threw her aside snatching the cup from her hand, they drank it all. When the cup was gone...

They turned on her in the shadows. Tearing and ripping into her flesh, Eating her alive. When she screamed for them to stop, they did not listen. They tore into her, and abused her; when her flesh was hanging off her skin, and her heart broken, They tossed her aside and wiped their mouths. She covered her naked soul as she cried thinking she deserved this...

Ona Aria's Poetry Collection (2022-2024)Where stories live. Discover now