Chapter 8- the tunnels

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Billy swung at Steve violently, but to your surprise, Steve managed to duck just in time before punching Billy across the jaw in response.

You watched in horror as Billy grabbed onto the table to keep himself up right before he turned back to Steve and started to laugh hysterically. He didn't even try to fight back or dodge Steve's next punch.

The kids were shouting in the background at Steve to kick his ass, all of them except for Max who had gone quiet.

Steve punched him again and it wasn't until Billy was backed up against the kitchen sink, cornered by Steve that you saw the laughter and amusement vanish from Billy's expression as something almost like fear washed over him.

Steve had him cornered like Neil had done.

That realisation hit you a little too slowly and before you could do anything about it, Billy reached for the nearest object which happened to be one of Mrs. Byers dinner plates and used it in self-defence, smashing the plate over the back of Steve's head.

"Stop!" You screamed, rushing over and pulling Steve away, saving him from getting punched by a now very worked up Billy Hargrove. "Stop. Steve hasn't done anything wrong."

Billy was breathing heavily, his eyes flashing up to the cut on your forehead before he tried to step past you to get to Steve. You quickly realised that he thought Steve had somehow hurt you. Billy thought Steve had done it.

"Hey, it's not his fault." You quickly said, resting your hand against Billy's chest stopping from him attacking Steve again.

"She's right. He didn't hurt her." Max piped up, noticing why Billy was being so aggressive.

Billy glanced over at his sister, "then who did?"

Nobody answered as you all stared at Billy who quickly shook his head, taking your silence as enough of an answer.

Steve slowly got back to his feet with a groan, holding the back of his head which to your relief wasn't bleeding, but you knew it would be hurting about as much as your head currently was.

"You're dead, Harrington."

"I crashed my car." You quickly said, stopping Billy before he could try and get to Steve again.


"She's telling the truth, man. I was there." Steve said.

"You the reason she crashed?" Billy questioned angrily.

Steve hesitated, "well, yes and no."

"I swear to God, Harrington-"

"I crashed it to save his and those kids lives against monsters from another dimension."

"Y/N!" The kids all hissed, but you ignored them.

"He should know the truth. He's Max's brother and my... well, I don't know what we are anymore, but he should know."

"Y/N." Steve warned, unsure if this was a good idea or not.

"The kids are going into those tunnels no matter what we say, we both know that. So, we could use his help to make sure they don't die down there."

"She's right." Max agreed, stepping forward. "We could use his help."

"Hold the fuck up. Let's just backtrack for a second here, did you say monsters from another dimension?" Billy questioned in pure shock.

"Yes." The kids all answered in sync.

You glanced over at Steve with a questioning look and he sighed but nodded in agreement before you began to explain everything to Billy. You started with how you found out about it all and explained what you knew before Steve and the kids filled in the rest of the gaps that you were still a little fuzzy about.

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