Chapter 13- bad day turns worse

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You must have fallen asleep during the movie because the next thing you knew, you were waking up to a black television screen and a blanket draped over your body that you definitely didn't put there.

Hopper wasn't in his lounge chair anymore, but his bedroom door was closed so you figured he had gone to bed.

Sunlight was now shining in through the kitchen window and you kicked off the blanket, standing up from the couch with a stretch. You got changed into your work uniform before throwing on your leather jacket over the top and grabbing the keys to the Mustang.

Billy didn't work on Thursdays and your shift at the cinema wasn't for another hour. So, without further thought, you silently slipped out the house and made your way back to Cherry Line to confront him about standing you up.

This time the slick blue Camaro was parked in the driveway. Susan's car nowhere to be seen, so that meant it was just Billy home, but the Camaro's front windscreen seemed to be smashed.

What happened to the Camaro? Billy cherished his car more than anything. Did he hit an animal or something?

Frowning in confusion, you began walking over to the vehicle to inspect it before the front door of the house slammed opened and you turned around to find Billy walking out.

He was wearing baggy track pants and an oversized long-sleeved Hawkins Community Pool shirt which was weird because since when did he wear anything other than those red shorts whilst working?

He stopped halfway down the footpath when he saw you standing there and by the startled look on his face it was clear that he was not expecting you to randomly show up.

"Where were you the other night?" You asked, folding your arms across your chest. "Why did you stand me up?"

Billy stared at you for a few seconds, a million different emotions washing over him like a wave before he shook his head and marched straight past you towards the Camaro.

"Whoa, hey! Don't just walk away from me." You said, grabbing his arm to stop him.

His muscles tensed under your fingers, his entire body tensing as he stood there a few metres from the Camaro with his back facing you.

"Why are you being so weird? Just answer the question, why did you stand me up?"

Billy remained still, refusing to turn around as he stared at his car, "you need to get away from me."


"Stay away from me, Y/N." He warned, his voice coming out harsh and low and all kinds of wrong before he continued walking to the Camaro.

You quickly grabbed his arm again and Billy growled under his breath, yanking his arm free with more strength than you were expecting.

"You need to leave."

"Tell me where you were and I will." You stated, re-crossing your arms over your chest not backing down. "Where were you? Why did you stand me up?"

"You want to know where I was?" He asked, turning around with a malicious smile. His usual bright blue eyes were dull as he glared down at you. His forehead laced with sweat. "I was with Heather."


Heather Holloway? The other lifeguard? He was stood you up for Heather.

"Are you cheating on me?" You asked, your voice losing all its strength and composure.

Billy stared at you for a moment with an almost pained expression, "I am."

His words left you breathless, like you had just run a marathon, but you hadn't. You were standing still. There was burning in your lungs as you stared at him, trying and failing to draw in enough air to breath.

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