Chapter 24- those idiots went through the gate?

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Somehow, you always seemed to be back to the Wheelers house. Mike and Nancy weren't even with you, yet for some reason, the cops took you and kids to Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler's house.

All the kids' parents, except for Susan Mayfield were already at the house, having seemed to congregate here when they realised that something was going on and their kids were missing. Except, they weren't missing, they were trying to save the world.

"And what exactly were you all doing at the lake?" Chief Powell questioned, sitting down in front of you, Dustin, Lucas and Max on the couch.

You glanced over at the kids, unsure who was going to come up with the best lie before Max quickly answered.

"We were just going for a walk."

"A walk?" Officer Callahan question with raised eyebrows. "At 9:00 p.m.?"

"To the lake." Dustin elaborated, his voice coming out squeaky and high pitched. "We were gonna take a little swim. Little night swim."

"Dusty. Someone was just murdered there." Mrs. Henderson said, all the parents standing at the back of the room while the cops questioned you.

"Yeah, we... we didn't realise that until we got there."

"That's why we didn't swim." Lucas added.

"And Nancy, was she with you at this night swim?" Mrs. Wheeler asked.

"Yes." Dustin answered at the same time Max said the total opposite.

"Uh, we're not sure." Lucas tried to cover up as Max and Dustin glared at each other. "She was there and then she left... and that's when you guys came."

"Right, then they dared me to say what I said about the killer." Max continued to say, and you all nodded in agreement as Dustin and Lucas fake laughed.

"Have you had any contact with Eddie?" Chief Powell questioned.

"That psycho... freak killer? No."


"God, no."

You all answered, shaking your heads.

"Oh, that's a bunch of bull." Erica Sinclair suddenly said, stepping out from behind her parents. "You realise they're lying. The whole couch is on fire."

"Erica." Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair warned.

She raised her hands, "it's just the facts."

"Are you lying to these policemen, Dusty?" His mother asked.


"Lying to the cops is a crime, son." Mr. Sinclair said, looking at his boy.

"I'm not lying."

"Threaten them with a little jail time. Maybe that'll loosen their lips." Mr. Wheeler suggested causing you to glare at him.

He wanted to threaten the kids with jail time? Really?

The parents then all began arguing about jail time and you smirked, the attention getting drawn away from you four while the adults bickered and argued loudly.

"Shut up!" Chief Powell suddenly shouted, jumping to his feet and stopping the parents instantly.

His raised voice caused you to flinch, not expecting him to suddenly yell and move like that as he glared at you and kids.

"We're gonna try a more civilized approach. One at a time. Starting with the eldest. Get up."

"Why me?" You asked, refusing to move.

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