Chapter 15- rip Hoppers cabin

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You all rushed out the cabin in a flash. The fireworks bursting in the sky above the treetops providing enough light to see outside just as a giant figure appeared further down the driveway.

"What. The fuck. Is. That?" You questioned, staring at what looked to be some kind of giant spider monster.

"The Mind Flayer." Lucas answered.

The creature screeched loudly causing you to wince at the high-pitched noise before it started to run down the long driveway towards the cabin, barrelling over any trees in its path like they were nothing.

"Everyone in the cabin now!" You ordered, ushering the kids up the porch steps before you sprinted around the back of the house towards Hoppers shed.

You ignored Billy shouting your name as you threw the shed door open and grabbed your fathers pump-action shotgun from the bench.

"What are you- oh, yeah, good thinking." Billy said appearing in the doorway before he grabbed two axes off the shelf. "Byers. Catch."

Billy tossed one of the axes to Jonathan who caught it with ease before Nancy walked into the shed, her eyes raking over the tools trying to find a weapon before you held out the shotgun towards her.

"If you can shoot a rifle, a shotgun is basically the same. I can't shoot this with my shoulder so take it." You said and Nancy took it without question. "Action the pump to load a bullet in the chamber and pull the trigger, got it?"

She nodded, "got it."

You all quickly rushed back into the cabin. The kids had the furniture piled up against the doors and windows. Billy and Jonathan were quick to pick up the couch and lean it up against the front door while you dashed off into Hopper's bedroom.

You jumped over his bed and pulled open the top draw of his dresser where you knew his handgun would be sitting. You shoved the spare magazine into your back pocket before grabbing the gun and joining the others in the main room.

The kids huddled together in the middle of the room while you, Nancy, Jonathan and Billy stood around them with your weapons raised. El stood over your shoulder ready to help fight while Billy stood beside you, his free hand holding Max behind him protectively.

It was nice to see the two of them getting along like proper siblings, even though it took literal monsters walking around Hawkins for it to happen.

"It's close." Will whispered as the lights in the room began to flicker.

The rumbling of footsteps grew louder from outside. Trees snapping and creaking as the monster got closer before everything went eerily silent.

No footsteps. No twigs snapping. Not even any fireworks. It was quiet. Too quiet.

The only thing you could hear was everyone's shuddering breaths as you glanced over at Billy, his terrified eyes locking with yours for a split second before the Mind Flayers tentacle burst through the wall of the cabin.

Its tentacle was made of the same flesh as the rest of it, but there were razor sharp claws at the end of it and it growled going straight towards El.

Your sister quickly shoved Max, Will and Lucas behind her with her arms as she stared down at the tentacle before Billy suddenly sprung forward and slammed his axe down on it, cutting into its flesh.

Jonathan was quick to join. The two of them cutting away at the tentacle with their axes before it reared up and whacked them both into the wall with a loud bang.

They fell to the floor with pained groans, their axes across the room as the tentacle shrieked and charged towards them. You sprinted the small distance to them, planting yourself between the Mind Flayers tentacle and the two guys who were groaning on the ground from the impact of being thrown into the goddamn wall.

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