Chapter 19- Vecna's curse

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Billy was on his feet in an instant. Charging up the steps to the front door with his hands clenched into fists ready to fight whatever was inside.

The terror and fear were still radiating off him, but that didn't stop him from slamming the door open and stepping inside to face it.

You were quick to follow, but stopped in the doorway when you saw Eddie waving his hands in front of Chrissy's face trying to wake her from some kind of weird trance like state.

Billy froze, expecting a Demogorgon or something, not this. You snapped into action and rushed forward, her eyes were rolled into the back of her head and body twitching.

"What happened?" You asked, grabbing her shoulders to wake her, but she wouldn't respond.

"I-I left for a second and found her like this." Eddie answered.

"Chrissy? Hey, wake up. Chrissy, wake up!" You shouted, still shaking her shoulders, but it was useless.

"The fuck did you give her?" Billy questioned.


The lights inside began to flicker rapidly, electricity humming through the trailer causing Billy to bite back whatever response he had as he looked around on alert.

Suddenly, you felt Chrissy move under your hands and you turned back to the girl to find her body slowly rising.

"What the fuck?" Eddie gasped, taking a staggering step back as Chrissy's body started to elevate into the air.

"Y/N." Billy said cautiously.

"I see it." Was all you could say as you slowly took a step back, your heartrate skyrocketing.

What the fuck was happening?

A second later, Chrissy's body suddenly slammed up against the roof with a loud thump, her back pressed flush against it.

"Jesus Christ!" Eddie yelped, jumping backwards, knocking you and Billy over as you all fell to the floor.

The sound of bones cracking filled the air and your eyes shot back up to Chrissy to find her arm now bent on an angle that wasn't natural. You gaped, uncertain whether to breathe or scream as her other arm and legs suddenly snapped and broke on various angles before her jaw clicked out its socket.

Eddie was screaming from beside you, but Billy had gone silent. His body tense to the point of shaking as he watched on with a numbed horror and wide, terrified eyes.

Your own eyes were transfixed with terror, unable to look away no matter how much you wished you could. Her eyes suddenly started to bleed before bursting and a second later, her body fell to the ground, motionless.

Chrissy Cunningham was dead.

For an endless span of time, none of you dared to move.

Tears blurred your vision as you stared at her lifeless body while your mind raced a million miles an second trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.

"She-she... she's dead. She's fucking dead!" Eddie shrieked, staggering to his feet and nearly tripping over the bar stool in his haste to get up. "She's dead! How... what... What the fuck just happened?!"

"Shhh." You hushed, jumping to your feet and covering Eddie's mouth with your hand. HIs panicked, wide, watery eyes locked with yours, but to your relief he remained quiet.

The last thing you needed was for his neighbours to hear the shouting and come investigating or worse, call the Police. If the cops showed up and saw Chrissy's dead body like this, the three of you would be sent to jail for murder.

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