Part:1 only survivor

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(Aveyas pov)

I was waken by my mother and father asking me "Aveya come on we have to go now. NOW!" Mom yelled and I got up but I grabbed my

favorite necklace and stuffed animal to we ran out of the house and we saw our village was on

fire and I didn't want to look so I just ran with my parents "quick hide here" my dad said

to me and I hid inside the shack that was close to the village but when we got there my parents "stay here Aveya we have to go and help"

mom said and I looked at them with wide eyes "no no no mom dad please don't go don't go please" I begged while huggging

both of them tightly and they said "we have to help them stay here we'll be back okay" dad said and I let them go and they

closed the door behind them and I curled into a ball and waited for them to come back I heard screaming and crying and than I

heard a thud and I got up and ran to the door and opened it and saw people on the ground "oh WHERE ARE YOU...MOM! DAD!"

I yelled for them until I saw them on the ground all burned up and I started to cry and than I heard

something snap and I turned around and saw a huge tree was about to fall on me I closed my eyes and

waiting for it to crush me but when I looked up I was somewhere not close to the tree "what the hell"
I said and than did something else my

hand I saw a sword and my eyes were purple instead of brown and my hands were around

purple mist and than I just screamed to the top of my lugs and than passed out

(No one's Pov)

Aveya was passed out on the hospital bed and she slowly starts to wake up she opened her eyes and looked

around and saw someone right next to her bed she sat up and saw that she was cuffed up and she starts to panic and breathing heavily.

"Hey who are you? where are we?" The girl that was right next to Aveya was up and she was scared like her

"i-I don't know the only thing I remember is screaming at the top of my lungs and passed out but I was also crying because.." Aveya gasped

(Back to Aveyas Pov)

I gasped at the last sentence of my words "wait am I...the only survivor in my village" i said

and started to shack and than the girl got up and tried to get to the window and open it but it was locked and went to the door that was

locked to and she yelled "hey, let me out...Let.Me.Out" and I was still on my bed scream for life from what has happened to me and my village as well and

I just want to cry until the sound of a speaker talked "I know Dani I'm on my way to you guys" it said

and I snapped out of it and looked at the door again and the lady came in and looked at me and girl that her name is Dani

"I'm glad you two have awaken" she said and she un-cuffed Dani and she started to walk to me and I jumped a

bit "it's okay your in a safe place now. I won't hurt you" she said and I let her in-cuffed me

and I looked
Around and try to calm myself down "I believe these are yours"

she said and gave my my necklace and my stuffed animal I looked at her in wide eyes and got my

things and hugged my stuffed animal tight "am I the only survivor in my village"

me and Dani said at the same time we looked at each other and looked back at her "yes you two are from different villages and you both have survived"

she said and I was about to cry when "I'm sorry what happened" she said and I just looked at my

neck less and opened it and saw a small picture of me mom and dad smiling in it while have fun at the park.

~after we were all settled in~

It was already night time and I was sitting on a chair and Dani was sitting on the couch and Dr. Reyes came in with two cups of tea and I took the cup and starts to drink my tea and looked at her and Dani while I was drinking my tea "do you two know what a mutant is" she asked us

(Sorry about this next chapter)

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