Part 13: Then lets kill the b***

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This is what she's wearing okay

This is what she's wearing okay

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(Illyana's Pov)

We all made it to Dr Reyes office and then I saw Rhane carrying Dani to Reyes chair and then same

said "oh my god! What the hell happened to her!" Aveya said and then Berto said

"what hell is happening? Where Dr Reyes?" Rahne came over and then said "That test it wasn't a test it was trying to kill Dani." I walked

I've ran grabbed my file and then I started to read it out loud "My file. Patient reviles authority.

But her fragmented psyche and base hatred for humans...make her a prime candidate for the program.

Conclusion... a killer... with limited potential. Recommend continued investment."

I shoved the files into bertos arms and walked to a chair and pulled out Lockheed and they all looked at

my file and then Berto said "Essex Corporation." And then

Dani said "that must be the place I saw." And then Rahne said "She wasn't prepping us to be X-Men. She was prepping us to be killers." I saw

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