Part 9: Fun time

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(Aveyas pov)

When I came to my room I changed into my pjs (these are it kay)

I had my plushy shadow with me and I opened my necklace that had a photo of me and my parents smiling

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I had my plushy shadow with me and I opened my necklace that had a photo of me and my parents smiling.

Later on I fell asleep while hugging my stuffed animal.


I was asleep but I wasn't in my bed.. I slowly open my eyes and saw that I was in the water and looked around

to try and find shadow but I couldn't see well I tried to scream for help but I

couldn't breath ether I was underwater? What is happening? I thought to myself and tried to look for for

something or someone to help me no nothing, until I was pulled by my hair and gotten deeper and

deeper into the water and I was choking for air but I couldn't breath. It was cold, it was dark and quite as well,

until I had open my eye fully and saw a scary face it was the

mask that one man tried to kill me in my dreams he smiled wildly, I gasped

~no more nightmare~

I gasped and sat up on my bed and gasping for some air and looking around while holding

my mother's necklace close to my chest and saw my stuffed animal and grabbed it and hugged it tight

and sniffed it and tried to calm myself down from what just happened

to me and I laid back down in my bed and fell back asleep.

-in the morning-

I got up in the morning and got ready for the day and did my morning routine and

my on arm bag and put my sketchbook, song book, and my stuffed animal and ukulele.

When I was done changing I walked out of my room and walked to the room where we were all there for therapy

(this is what she I was wearing not in real life but just something k)

(this is what she I was wearing not in real life but just something k)

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