Part 7: Attic

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(Reyes Pov)

When I opened the door I saw Sam and Aveya hugging and she had tears in her eyes "what's going on in here? What happened" I asked

them and I saw Aveya looked at me and let go of Sam and said "u-um I was just asking what

happened last night and u-uh had a nightmare to so um yeah. He was just making me feel better"

Aveya answered me and Sam nodded 'yes' "why don't you go take a shower Aveya and change into something else okay" i told

and she nodded and I saw Sam get up and helped her stand and walk to her room.

When they were gone I checked on Aveya's status and what's going on with her power and studied her potential and what she can do

(Sam's pov)

As I took Aveya to her room "are you feeling better now?" I asked her and she looked at me and said "a little bit, still sore but I'll be fine" at the end

she did a sweet smile and I blushed a bit but I looked away, we finally made it to her room

and she walked a bit on her own "thx for...well everything Sam, your a good person that well I've ever met" she said

and I smiled and nodded my head, than she walked into her room and closed the

door behind her 'god I think I have a crush on her, gah' I said in my thoughts

(Aveyas pov)

After I got my things I went to take a shower in the girls room and as I was going in I took off my towel and put it hanging

I turned on the shower and did what I needed to do and all. When I was finished I wrapped my towel around me and dried a bit of my hair

I walked to the mirror and took out my toothbrush and toothpaste and i started to brush my teeth and when I was done

I looked up in the mirror and saw some blue and purple markings on my body and my face as well "what the hell!" I said

out loud and tried to rub it off but it wouldn't come out. I had brought my clothes with me so I started to change into my clothes

 I had brought my clothes with me so I started to change into my clothes

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(These are the clothes don't mind the little scribbles on this kay)

(These are the clothes don't mind the little scribbles on this kay)

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(This is what the markings look like but blue and purple with it okay bye)

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(This is what the markings look like but blue and purple with it okay bye)

As I was finished changing I went back to my room to put on my shoes I already had my

socks on just need my shoes, when I put them in I grabbed my bag filled with my

sketch book pencils and some easers for the drawings and sketches to. I walked out and

saw Dr Reyes going into the room where I met everyone I followed her and went inside and saw everyone their

i sat down on the chair next to Sam and I saw everyone looking at me "what's up with the tattoos" Dani asked and I gave

her confused look and than I remember "I got know clue, I just got out of the shower and saw these markings on me out of k ow where" I said

to her without stuttering and than she just nodded her head and just zipped up my jacket and put my knees to my chest.

Sam looked at me and he smiled and I just smiled back at him than Dr said to got a yoga mat and set it on the ground and we

did as we all moved the chairs out of the way and we had to take off our shoes and we did and

we sat in a circle an we relaxed as well like she told us to and she kept on repeating 'control and control' which was getting so

annoying right now. After we were done we all did our thing as what I did i practice on my new powers and some of my drawings and stuff.

~little time skip~

Dabi was getting checked up and all. While I was just outside drawing and singing my favorite song

(This is the song I love)

And when I was about to finish it I heard footsteps walking my way, I looked down and saw Roberto "What are you doing up there" he asked

me and I stopped sketching and than I jumped off the tree backwards and Roberto ran to me

and tried to catch me but I teleported "what the hell?!" He said and I giggled while I was right behind him "you are very sneaky" he said

and than I started to walk away "well I was drawing and singing one of my favorite songs until

u came but now I'm gonna head inside bye lover boy" I said and walked inside leaving him out their by himself.

Later on I was in my room the whole time drawing and singing and dancing a bit to. I then heard a knock from n my door and

I went to it and opened it and I saw Sam "hey u wanna come with us, we are going to the attic" he asked and I nodded my head I

went to my dresser and put on my mother's necklace and brought my stuffed animal as well.

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