Part 12: crazy thing happening

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(Aveya's Pov)

Later on that day I was still with Sam but Dr Reyes called me and Sam  walked me to her office and then

she said "sorry I need to speak with Aveya alone please" and then he was about to say something but

I looked at him and nodded and he nodded at me and kissed my forehead and

left me and Reyes alone. She said "I have to ask you some questions and see what had happened

to you and what I can do to help you." I nodded and then she asked me "okay, so what do u remember before u came here?" I then think

deep into my thoughts and memories and then remembered "oh! I was playing outside and for some

reason their was a huge explosion an there were more and more of them, but then all I remember

was my parents taking me to a shed and then telling me to stay quiet and hide somewhere in the shed.

But when it was all quiet, I walked out of the shed and saw everyone dead,

my friends, my family, all the people I knew were all gone.

I thought it was an earthquake or something but it was way way worse then that." I said as

I curled my legs close to my chest and laid my head on my knees,

having some flashbacks of what has happened to me. Then she said I could leave and as I walked out

I bumped into someone "Hey Aveya are you okay? Why so sad?" I looked up and saw

Berto and then I just sighed and said "just Dr Reyes asking me some questions,

on what happened to me before I came here and all that junk." I told him and then he nods and gave me

a hug and the left to do his own thing, I walked outside and then I waved my hand around and just made

a fluffy could bed to just float on. Then I heard some footsteps coming my way and I looked around and saw Sam,

I lowered myself down a bit so I could face him, he then said "hey what did Dr Reyes want?" And then

I said "oh just asking me on things that happened before I came to this place,

I told her what had happened to me and my parents to. It started to get all sad when I started to bring it up."

He nods his head and then the markings on me stated to glow and I was in shocked and

I looked around my arms and legs of what is happening to me, I then looked up at Sam and then

he said "whoa! What's happening? Is this normal." I shrugged and

then said "I-I don't know, they never down this before. This is new." And then some stars started to come

out of my arms and legs, and then they all went above us and then it was a movement like a movie

"Wait? Is that?" I stopped myself and then I gasped and then said "that's my mom and dad." And then

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